Gigi Pritzker’s Madison Wells has acquired the cross-platform rights to Emily Nagoski s
Come as You Are, partnering with Lisa Berger and Sarah Penna s Frolic Media on project development.
New York Times best-seller will be developed across film, television and podcasting. The book is synopsized as an essential exploration of why and how women s sexuality works, based on groundbreaking research and brain science.
The acquisition is made under Madison Wells and Frolic Media s strategic partnership, formed in 2019, which includes the development of projects catering to a feminist audience.
Said Elizabeth Goodstein, Madison Wells head of business development and strategy, “As the audience for this important book continues to grow, we are thrilled to call Emily our partner as we connect her life’s work to new audiences at a greater scale across mediums.” Frolic s Penna offered: “At Frolic, our mission is to give a platform to strong Female voices. We’re so exc