The Uttar Pradesh government has suspended Ghaziabad Senior Superintendent of Police Pawan Kumar for the alleged dereliction of duty and the "failure" to control crime, an official statement said on Thursday.
No casualty has been reported, Police told.
The reason behind fire has not been ascertained yet.
Ghaziabad: At least 14 people were injured after a fire erupted at a manufacturing factory of medical equipment in Sahibabad Industrial Area Site 4 on Thursday (March 11) night.
Ghaziabad s Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Kalanidhi Naithani said, A total of 14 people have been injured in the fire incident. They have been shifted to the hospital .
The reason behind fire has not been ascertained yet. However, no casualty has been reported , police said.
Fire engines reached the spot to douse the fire while several ambulances reached to shift the injured to the hospital.
Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) [India], March 12 (ANI): At least 14 people were injured after a fire has erupted at a manufacturing factory of medical equipment in Sahibabad Industrial Area Site 4 on Thursday night.