Samajwadi Party candidate for Uttar Pradesh s Azamgarh by-poll Dharmendra Yadav, who was defeated by BJP s Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua on Sunday, blamed the state administration and BJP-BSP alliance for his loss and said that the people of the district will again make them victorious in the 2024 General elections.
Sunday was a day of double whammy for the Samajwadi Party as its candidates lost to the Bharatiya Janata Party in their bastion — Rampur and Azamgarh — in the Lok Sabha byelections.
BJP candidate Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’ in Azamgarh defeated SP’s Dharmendra Yadav by 8,679 votes
Hailing the Bharatiya Janata Party’s bypoll victory in Rampur and Azamgarh Lok Sabha constituencies, considered to be the stronghold of the Samajwadi Party, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Sunday that the public has given a clear message to ‘parivarvadis’, casteist and communal