question. is it harder for female comics? is it harder? and it s not like they think we just get up here and just bleed all over the stage. i m just, oh, my ovaries, how do i keep them in my body? people will always want to talk about women in comedy. i mean, you guys are doing a documentary and you re doing a segment on women in comedy. the fact that it s 2016 and women in comedy is still a topic is so embarrassing. sorry, i just drives me crazy. it s a different kind of patriarchal society in the 50 as opposed to sexism. now, they didn t know any different then what you re so pretty. see? oh, is that what it is? and that s the way it was , is now they know better and they want to stop it. now, when you hear men say women aren t funny, i just think, oh, you sad old man, get on, get on your little glacier and just die. do you think most women sell themselves short? yes. most women have been told to sell themselves short. see, i think women are brighter than men. i
inclinations, get on. political inclinations, get on. former conservative mp anna soubry said everyone with a tory mp should be questioning them as to their record of support forjohnson over the last seven years. nadine dorries has told her colleagues to vote it down. she says, if they don t, then they are not, in her words, true conservatives. it is serious. all true blues welcome this morning. do you back johnson? look forward to talking to you. given the acrimony, i am sure this will not be fans only. here is the news.
identified the problems a year ago. now they don t have the solutions, and i don t want to jinx myself here because, you know, you face as we do travel a lot for fox, you get into a lot of delays. and, unfortunately, you get some cancellations. i even paid for you know, they do these things now, hey, for $40, we ll move you to the comfort seat. okay, great. so i wait percent next connection, i got on, and i m, like, in the back, you know, in the middle seat in the back of the plane, and i was, like, i paid $40, and they re like, shut up, get on, i don t care. you re lucky you got a seat at all. i just got on the plane. this is on buttigieg s doorstep. but buttigieg is not admitting we are at a 30-year low for the number of certified air traffic controllers. that s on the transportation secretary and the biden administration and the faa. they need to attend to this. this is the agency that allows more flights in and out and patrols our airways, if you will. i just want to remi
. it s like we got to figure this out. we re back with crime scene kitchen. your challenge is to recreate the mystery dessert as best you can, using only the clues left behind. it has to be this is my kind of cake. we try to make it messy. oh, did it just turn out that way? what is that? oh, so good. crime scene kitchen returns monday, june 5th on fox saturday. it s baseball night in america on fox. get on, two iconic nfl teams go head to head as mookie betts and freddie freeman lead the dodgers against paul goldschmidt, nolan arenado and the cardinals. oh, julio rodriguez and the americans take off ronald akumu . you and the braves. it s baseball night in america saturday at 7:00 eastern on fox. lavar celebrate national streaming day. watch the first episode,
keep him in my body? ah! people will always want to talk about women in comedy. i mean, you guys are doing a documentary and you re doing a segment on women in comedy. the fact that it s 2016 and women in comedy is still a topic is so embarrassing. sorry i just drives me crazy. it s a different kind of patriarchal society and the fifties as opposed to sexism now they didn t know any different then. but you re so pretty. is that what it is, and that s the way it was. now they know better and they want to stop it. now when you hear men say women aren t funny, i just think oh, you sad old man. get on, get on your little glacier and just die. do you think most women sell themselves short? yes most women have been told to sell themselves short. i think women are brighter than men think women are more sensitive than men. and i think women are stronger than men. plus, we have an excellent layer of fat. so if