germany, you have to remember one thing. he did not have a geraldo, you have is to thing. he wasn t jim jones. it wasn t a cult. she went to him. many times she could have left. she could have walked away. this is not the type of situation where she had to feel trapped or where he held the gun to her head. it was quite the opposite. she held the gun to his head. the idea that she felt like she couldn t believe holds no water and i think the prosecution by holding up and quite frankly i think the prosecution doesn t even have a long cross-examination. were you hit. was he violent with you. did he do anything to you. her answer no, no, no, is going to be enough. holding up the foe toes will be enough to say she stalked him and she was in love with him and she wanted to be with him and he wanted to be he with others and that is hi-ho! killewhy she killed him in premeditation and in cold blood. so far i m one and you are zero. i still say no capital murder for jodi arias.
in nevada, california and arizona. geraldo, back to you. geraldo: craig, thanks. on another case, folks that we have been following, family and friends of trayvon martin, of course, the young florida man shot and killed almost a year ago mark what would have been his 18 birthday today with what they called a peace walk in miami. the actor jamie foxx among those who attended. when we come back, the brother of george zimmerman, the man accused of murdering trayvon joins us to comment on the fact that the case, the murder case is now fast tracked for trial. that is right after this. so you say men are superior drivers? yeah. then how d i get this. [ voice of dennis ] .safe driving bonus check? every six months without an accident, allstate sends a check. ok. [ voice of dennis ] silence. are you in good hands?
underneath the four and five foot drifts tharpent here just 24 hours ago. that is another concern that the authorities have. and then fee haley there is flooding. they finally there is flooding. they want people to be aware in the low lying coastal area to be careful because of the storm surges that left quite a bit of water on the streets. geraldo? geraldo: we know, ladies and gentlemen, that amtrak will begin service again tomorrow and logan airport there in boston, boston has been kind of cut off from the world. that airport they announced earlier would have at least one runway open by around 11:00 eastern time. before we bring you folks the latest on the massive man hunt on southern, california s big bear mountain for christopher dorner the renegade killer cop still on the loose, up next why i think accused killer jodi has already beaten the death penalty. that s next. [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your imptant legal matters in just minutes.
geraldo: welcome back live to new york central park. if a few minutes we will be live to los angeles with the latest on the extraordinary manhunt for that cop killing ex-cop. first, though, we will go to arizona and the provocative testimony by the defendant jodi arias in her capital murder case. did you you kill travis alexander on june 4, 2008? yes, i did. jodi arias has bee is the notorious 32-year-old fighting to save herself from the death penalty. i was conditionfy dent no jury would convict me because i planned to be dead. accusing the man she butchered of being equal parts piety. who baptized you? travis. and per version, pushing here in degrading sex acts. i understand how it might be but it is important to share
today as sunshine brought out skiers in new york city and led to a snowball fight at harvard yard a few miles one way report other determined how badly you got hit by the storm. i think it is fair to say that we were very lucky. the storm brought plenty of snow, about a foot in a lot of area of new york city. but we certainly avoid the worst of it and our thoughts go out to the people in connecticut and rhode island, massachusetts, new hampshire, vermont, and maine. geraldo: welcome live, everybody, to new york central park where the blizzard of 2013 was little more than an inconvenience. even fun for most folks around here especially since it happened on the weekend. as they say in new york city real estate your storm experience was all about location, location, location. and the location we start with tonight is the fox weather center and marina molina. is it all over but the digging?