will they be ready with the trial now at just a few months away? i think that there are the defense is kind inform a recalculating posture right now. clearly the premises that were enumber rated in the motion presented truly do exist and you can t just pretend they don t exist or wish them away. i think there was very compelling arguments made in the motion and mark presented very compelling arguments in court. sents our familyhe court s respects the court s decision. it is hard to see how to comply with the decision when mark is saying clearly he doesn t feel himself able to be ready in time to prepare a reasonable defense by june. geraldo: so is he appealing the motion. in i don t think so, robert? i don t know that an interlock torrey motion right now is the right way. the defense is looking into it.
premeditated this. he was stobbed 29 times. shot in the face in cold blood. i don t think they were overcharged. i don t think the idea of her talking about her is sex life is isn t doing her any good. it is the idea that the judge because it is a death penalty case needs to let her get into the whole life story. he can t limit the defense because the state is seeking the death penalty. geraldo: i think that, first of all, the pretty woman aspect of the defense. i think that, you know, attractive defendants generally get treated a little better by juries at least as far as my experience goes and secondly portray travis alexander as a pervert, it is not a big jump from per version to, you know, to aggression. i think she may have saved her life. well, that is where i think you are 100% wrong. i hate to say that to you but the idea that someone is a pervert or calls somebody names you cannot make the leap that now she kille kill him in
the reality is that we want people to know that black skin color or african american race these are not the enemy. there is nothing about anybody s race that causes them to be the enemy or quote the other side in our minds. what was enemy was was a misinformation cam ain. a narrative originated by a scheme team and attorneys and a p.r. man went out and spun a story to their satisfaction and sold it taking from the movie argo when you want to sell a lie, have the media sell it for you. geraldo: let me he give bo 30 seconds than. due process. there was an alter kateion. we have two block officers that were killed in 2003 in state b. they can t make a race card out of it. that is the problem with every one of these cases. something happened there where two men were in an alte alterc. forget about the race card stuff every time something happens black and white.
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did mr. alexander call you other names besides skank in a joking manner? yes. what were they? he called me polyanna. he called me porn star. geraldo: and forcing her to do things she wasn t comfortable with including one scene immediately following her 2007 baptism. what happened? his hands were wandering and he lifted up my skirt and he pulled down my underwear and he was pressing against me. he unzipped his pants and i guess people didn t see but he he began to have anal sex with me. after this encounter on this