Check out this clip of defense secretary mark us on face the nation when pressed about President Trumps for embassy assassination justification for the president didnt say when there was a tangible he didnt cite a specific piece of evidence what he says he probably he believes are you saying that event one i didnt see one with regard to 4 embassies what im saying is i share the president s view that probably my expectation was theyre going to go after our embassies. Probably maybe could. You see my friends whether its saddams weapons of mass destruction assads chemical weapons attack in duma or solmonese suppose that the imminent attack on our embassies the names and places may change but the lack of facts and star spangled spin oh they remain the same which is why we are always watching the hawks. Thats. What. They like you know that i got. That we. Would. Be. Welcome on the watching the hawks i am tyrrel been turned joining me today to discuss the political spin behind the United Sta