Check out this clip of defense secretary mark us on face the nation when pressed about President Trumps for embassy assassination justification for the president didnt say when there was a tangible he didnt cite a specific piece of evidence what he says he probably he believes are you saying that event one i didnt see one with regard to 4 embassies what im saying is i share the president s view that probably my expectation was theyre going to go after our embassies. Probably maybe could. You see my friends whether its saddams weapons of mass destruction assads chemical weapons attack in duma or solmonese suppose that the imminent attack on our embassies the names and places may change but the lack of facts and star spangled spin oh they remain the same which is why we are always watching the hawks. Thats. What. They like you know that i got. That we. Would. Be. Welcome on the watching the hawks i am tyrrel been turned joining me today to discuss the political spin behind the United States latest efforts to regime change war in iran is code pink activist and author may be a Benjamin Media thank you as always for coming on to his team i think so in recent days weve heard a lot of justifications for the assassination of mr solomon and by Administration Officials and members of Congress Even have had any of these justifications provided a shred of evidence to back them up. Well we hear the democrats saying they didnt hear it we hear when republicans like mike lee and rand paul saying they didnt hear it we hear the secretary of defense basically saying he didnt hear it this is b. S. Absolutely b. S. There was no imminent threat and you know eminent means you know when its going to happen you know where its going to happen and this thing of the embassies is just made up we also know its made up because trump had already authorized the killing so the money 7 months ago after the iranians downed a drone a drone meaning there was nobody on it so nobody got killed youre and he authorized it then so this is just part of trumps war on iran that started when he ripped up that agreement when he imposed these sanctions and trump is lucky guy man that iran hasnt responded by attacking these 4 embassies or many other things that they had and you know trump said we have 52 targets including cultural sites im sure the iranians have many targets many many targets because theyve been preparing for this for almost 2 years now but they didnt do that and trump instead of saying thank god they didnt kill any merican zz now lets sit back lets really get im going to im going to show that im grateful and im going to start lifting some of these sanctions he did just the opposite he said now were going to impose even more sanctions so slap slap slap again and again it is when you see that and i understand the wrong kind of point of view theyve been targeted by the u. S. For destruction for quite some time lets go back to 953 exactly your view hows the u. S. News media properly pushback against the spin coming out of the white house pentagon Intelligence Committee especially in light with how much they dropped the ball with w m b use in the Bush Administration the. The media should be incensed and should help to. Whip up this sentiment among the American People of stock manufacturing a crisis there was no crisis until you donald trump started making up this crisis to please who knows was it to please the saudis was it to please the israelis was it to please Sheldon Adelson was it to please Lindsey Graham mike pompei oh john bolton is no longer there who knows but its a manufactured crisis there was a deal the europeans still want to go back to the deal the russians the chinese still want to go back to get the deal everybody is trying to pile on and say you know how can we con this down and it all rests on one man and how he feels when he wakes up in the morning i mean i dont know what it rests on but it infuriates me that the world is on the edge that we are on the precipice of a catastrophic war with iran and it all depends on what this guy feels like doing he doesnt give a damn about International Law he doesnt give a damn about u. S. Law because it is the congress that has to authorize military attacks and he doesnt give a damn about iraqi law because hes violating their using their their their land to do this he doesnt care about anything about what except what is good for donald trump state of the world and i want to ask you youve been at this game for a long time youve been pushing back against these kind of the germans for a very long time what is the best way to your opinion for folks out there to cope through the spin and decipher what is fact from fiction when you see him you know guy with the stars on his belt or whatever your president s all of our politicians how do people bust coke through votes from assume that anybody who is pushing for were right now either has stocks in the weapons industry wants to go back to that industry and the revolving door or is beholden to another countrys agenda viet israel or a saudi arabia. And dont believe a word they say of course still believe a word that comes from the white house and then the important thing is how do we fight back had we build up an Antiwar Movement thats been decimated since the time of brock obama and people didnt come out and protest these wars that have been going on for so long had we reach out to our friends overseas and really build a global day of action which is what were doing on january 25th to say the world says no to war so all of your listeners were everywhere in the world go to our website could ping org look for a protest in your area if its not there you know what you do you create one you just put it on there and be part of the global day of action january 25th annual always a pleasure having you on would be and keep up the great work out there thanks so much. And all of us were sitting on the edge of our seats worried about the nightmare scenario of yet another United States backed regime change or middle east and the cost of lives it could bring there were many here on the potomac and wall street who were popping bottles with the light at the news of a potential war im talking of course about our good friends in the Defense Industry yes those lovely merchants of death were seeing dollar signs in our t. America correspondent Rachel Blevins joins us now with the details on those dollar signs rachel how did the markets respond to the latest tensions in the middle east well its no secret that any time theres a chance of a new were a chance of an escalation with an ongoing war the stocks for the top defense contractors in the United States all we seem to vallance up and to be really really happy about it and that is exactly what we have seen with the latest escalation between the United States and iran if we take a look specifically at the numbers in the days after iran in general stolen money with killed we saw the stocks for more threat gruman were up 8 percent Lockheed Martin was up 4 percent and raytheon was up another q percent and it seems to be no coincidence there that us Foreign Policy a lot of. Times act in a way that is great for the top defense contractors and we see if you look at trumps cabinet and the same way that he has a lot of officials that seem to fall right in line with wall street and have ties to wall street he also has a lot of officials that have ties to defense contractors and if were looking at just a few from both past and present we find that former defense secretary james mattis was on the board of General Dynamics both before he was in office and he has since gone right back to it and he was followed by current defense secretary marc as for who was previously a top lobbyist for raytheon then theres current acting director of National Intelligence Joseph Mcguire who was also the former Vice President for Booz Allen Hamilton a defense contractor that has been criticized for blurring the lines between the governments intelligence work and private enterprises and then because of quite the conflict of interest here because these are some of the top officials who are giving trump insight into whats going on in the middle east and yet they seem to have these very strong ties to top defense contractors that make a lot of money whenever things escalate and its interesting too how no new show will ever bring up were they used to work for where they work for now when they come out and get an interview thats about the really great information you laid out there was what is the latest in the cia are wonderful president mr donald trump has given the public into how the u. S. Is planning on using troops in the middle east they are theres a little bit of controversy coming out of that there absolutely is and weve seen an increase in deployments in the middle east with an additional 3000 troops being deployed just last week and weve also seen under trump troops deployed to saudi arabia for the 1st time since 2003 and of course the u. S. Comes out and they say well this is necessary because we have to deter threats from iran even though they dont get a lot of insight on what those threats may be but President Trump spoke out over the weekend when he was on fox news and he said that theres actually a very different reason to call us now we have to say. Oh were sending more to saudi arabia and saudi arabia is paying us for it you know were doing something that nobodys ever done i said just so that he would live a very Good Relationship with saudi arabia said listen youre a very rich country you want more troops im going to send them to you but youve got to pay us to paying this theyve already deposited 1000000000. 00 in the bank. So that is quite the claim from trouble not only that u. S. Troops are 1st sell but that theyre being essentially sold to saudi arabia and saudi arabia has already paid 1000000000. 00 that this is just that blows where martin hurts me in so many Different Levels how is they tell me that someone has actually responded to this in any kind of official men were going to how is Congress Responded to trumps claim of a 1000000000 dollars for u. S. Troops to saudi arabia one fortunately the majority of congress has been very silent whenever it comes to this but in the past they have tried to step up at least a little bit when it comes to trumps relationship with saudi arabia but at the same time they havent really put a stop to all of these arms deals or to the United States working with saudi arabia when it comes to the brutal war in yemen however independent congressman justin amash did speak out and he called out for you know standing up and claiming that hes going to end the endless wars and then essentially doing the opposite and he spoke out and he said about quote hes moving troops back into iraq hes moving other troops into saudi arabia and using our forces almost as mercenaries paid mercenaries who are going to come in as long as saudi arabia pays us some money it seems to be good to go now under the Trump Administration we did see the largest arms deal in u. S. History signed with saudi arabia back in 2017 so no answer isnt all of these questions of is this claim that we that they are essentially paying for u. S. Troops is that something that was included in the arms deal that maybe we just didnt catch or is a something that Congress Needs to actually call out and hold trump accountable for i would hope that they would at some point reveal that was a brilliant piece thank you very much for the great informational reporting of whats going on there always a pleasure thank you. Thank you. Are right everybody as we go to break dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics weve covered on our social media and be sure to check out watching the hawks the pod cast which is now available on spotify apple music and everywhere you listen to your favorite or so favorite podcast coming up my friends its time to break out the cupcakes balloons little water boards as we celebrate the 18th year of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center in cuba stay tuned for watching the hawks. Good food descriptions sound up the tasing even for the owners so how to choose the pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us then was necessarily good for the pet turns out food may not be associate people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve got allergies we are actually creating these problems and its a huge epidemic of toms all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making it a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Well the month of january marks the beginning of a brand new year here in the United States that also marks the anniversary of one of the darkest chapters in u. S. History that is still being written the military prison at Guantanamo Bay naval base opened in january of 2002 the war on terror prison according to the a. C. L. U. Was originally intended to be an island outside the law where terrorism suspects could be detained without process and interrogated without restraint almost 800. 00 souls have passed through its cells during its now 18 year reign but today only 41. 00 remain 41. 00 prisoners who the New York Times estimates cost u. S. Taxpayers an average of 13000000. 00 per prisoner this weekend here in the united youre here in washington d. C. Citizens and activists took to the streets in front of both the white house and the trump hotel to protest the anniversary of the Guantanamo Bay prison calling for an end to the years of torture and Human Rights Violations that have been reported to have taken place inside its walls daphne e. V. A terror sorry avatar of Amnesty International usa said in a statement 3 United States president s have overseen guantanamo during its shameful 18 your existence yet to come continues to remain open as people who have never been granted a trial are still detained and as they age and face the prospect of spending the rest of their lives in the prison joining me now to discuss the horror of 18 years of Guantanamo Bay as civil rights attorney for the american Arab Antidiscrimination Committee imaan book of doom thank you so much for coming out this is this is as we were saying before we start it breaks my heart that this place is still open 18 years later now the abuses a Guantanamo Bay are long and well documented yet despite all of the controversy the lawsuits and the public demand for its could closure that weve seen over those 18 years why do you believe the prison is still in operation today. Well thank you so much for having me and down well. The reason the prison is still in operation is because it still pays politically i think at the end of the day having muslim men held offshore makes us americans feel better about ourselves even though of course we all know that every National Security expert every person i mean every reputable person in the military and others know that its a great recruiting tool for armed groups so at the end of the day this is nothing but politics and has nothing to do with National Security and unfortunately muslim lives just dont matter. Because thats thats who is being detained there through and through i want to ask you to just so folks get a better understanding. A lot of people have forgotten that its still in operation tragically what what are some of the major abuses that have been exposed what have we actually learned over these 18 years that have taken place there that is so bloodcurdling we were. So on im always without question one of the most notorious prisons in the world because torture was one of the instrumental central feature of this prison so waterboarding Holding People in stress positions sleep deprivation. Humiliating people and for example. You know making fun of peoples religion so the fact that they were muslim they would your in a on koran they would unleash dogs upon the men when they were praying so i mean every every kind of torture that you could ever think of was inflicted on the men there and of course most of the men the overwhelming majority less than 10 of the men were charged with an actual crime so thats so important to mention but every kind of torture you could ever think of and of course solitary confinement Holding People. By themselves 23 hours a day without access to other human beings and of course Holding Children is another issue that is a very serious one that guantanamo. Is known for and again we know this not only through the heroic work of many attorneys who have access to them but activists and also the government itself under the Bush Administration released this information. Saying yeah we tortured this person we cant detain them anymore we have to release them so its just taro ing how has the Guantanamo Bay prison affected arab and muslim communities both here in the United States and around the world i mean you mentioned being in prison there thats being tortured there how has this person affected those communities thank you so much for that question i think one time obey it is precisely there for this reason its to project fear into the hearts of americans who are arab and muslim and into the hearts of arabs across the planet and muslims across the planet we know that the number one. Them one demographic there were asking fans and saudis and yemenis pakistanis and algerians i happen to be algerian american but i can tell you that across the muslim majority world in the arab world people are terrified at the stigma even if youre released without charge being innocent is an believe its 6 forever and so if you are helping one condom well youre not considered a victim of american abuse youre considered a terrorist even though its untrue. And so that is the actual that is the primary political work that guantanamo does is it terrifies muslims and it terrifies Muslim Americans and it doesnt allow us to mobilize and to organize because were scared that will be shipped to hunt on him or any point and so thats thats actually one of the reasons why its such a terrible place and it needs to be shut down immediately completely agree as an attorney what obstacles have to the law as. Presented to civil rights attorney or the attorneys for the men held there. And the u. N. Even for this matter the u. S. Government. Will you actually prosecute those that they want to prosecute because they were journal ideas we take them there they give us information about the war on terror and then we prosecute them for their crimes but we havent been able to do that right absolutely and the reason is because we tortured them and most of them have nothing for us to prosecute them on because theyre not terrorists and thats the reality is that i mean we dont know if they are not because thats the problem with torture and so the problem is that we have military commissions that have these kangaroo courts that have been created to try to accommodate torture and even those courts these military commissions that are committing torture are not even meeting out any kind of real real results right we have 7 or 8 people that have been convicted and those convictions are totally dubious and based on false evidence and here in federal court we can actually prosecute people in our federal courts because theres not enough evidence and even if there was its tortured evidence and so we can actually its not admissible and so the reality is that guantanamo is agree stain on our legacy as a country and its has nothing do justice or has nothing to do with National Security its like you said its all about fear at the end of the day its all about its all about fear now the person who has outlasted 3 president s at this point George Bush Brock Obama now donald trump it seems that the Political Class here in washington d. C. Has essentially forgotten about it because you never hear brought up in congress anymore about that ive seen in the news or anything like that why has going to a century been forgotten in our in the political circles of this town despite and that is throwing out the torture despite the fact that it cost so much to run it cost so much on tax dollars you know why why are they keeping her why is it not being discussed in the halls of congress thats a great question i think that ultimately i think brought obama normalised right we all remember one of those the 1st executive order was the end of torture and he promised to close guantanamo and we were so hopeful and then he didnt and i think. After that we all just kind of were demoralized and i think. Its really a hard question because we we in this Civil Rights Community have been fighting so hard to close the prison and when and when obama normalized it it just becomes harder every day to push back against closing guantanamo and so its difficult to justify because when i speak to people in congress they just say its not worth the Political Capital its just not worth the Political Capital at the end of the day nobody cares about the men in guantanamo theres only 41. 00 held or 40 held and at the end of the day whos advocating for them right there forgotten they are truly forgotten and at the very least at the very least they deserve a day in court right at the very moment when you are whether you think theyre all terrorists or not whatever at least given their day or 2 prior to trial. Youre at the protest this weekend so there are people stepping up and speaking out about. What was the purpose of these protests and do you feel you accomplished what you set out to do thank you for the question and i think look somebody who was brought to this work because i saw an algerian held there and most of my familys in algeria and i see my uncle i see my dad i see my grandma you know i see my family when i see the men in guantanamo as an algerian and its its harrowing and im never going to stop until its shut down and we see those practices being migrated to the United States indefinite detention without charge for immigrants for example for people coming to the United States but at the end of the day i mean the reason i go to the protest and i dont give up is because i refuse to let this become the norm its not the norm we cannot hold people indefinitely without charge just because theyre muslim and they seem to be terrorists we need more than that i believe in due process and i really hope that people will do the right thing eventually and push back and ask congress to shut down this prison which is just such a travesty and such a humiliation for our country that it truly is and i thank you for the good. Work youre doing and its good to have you out there fighting for that and i hope you i hope you get more brothers and sisters by your side speaking out against this because we cannot forget about these stains in our history because we can still change it we can still close it it doesnt have to be open forever so i want to thank you so much for coming on today truly a pleasure having you on once again a senior staff attorney at the american Arab Antidiscrimination Committee human book of them thank the psycho thank you so much truly a pleasure. It may have been raining men in the 1980 s. According to the song but today in the 2020 is my friends its raining vegetables at least in australia that is in the wake of the massive fires that have devastated the country the government of New South Wales in a bid to save the already endangered brush tailed rock wallaby have launched multiple massive air drops of vegetables yes some 2000 kilograms or 4400 pounds of Sweet Potatoes and carrots were dropped on more than 10 different rock wall b. Colonies last week my friends with an estimated 1000000000 animals killed in the apocalyptic blaze environmental officials in australia are resorting to any and all means at their disposal to save them yes even getting them to eat their vegetables this is the good that we can do lets hope that we spread some more good in this world because at the end of the day a man who doesnt want to save that cute little animal youve met carrot right there and now we have to we have to put we have to stand up for australia because we know that theyll stand up for us when its our time and were under the gun of fires or other things of that nature i want to thank you all for joining us today because that my friends is the end of our show remember everyone in this world we are definitely definitely not old but we are loved enough so i tell you all i love i am tyrrells and for a keep watching all those hawks out there and have a great. As we ponder the future and look into 2020 what fascinating stories will come our way there are often said on this show that you cant have capitalism without Capital Capital without positive registration courage and people to say and this next story this next whole show this next entire segment is going to be dedicated to this very notion. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. Someone in the news and mighty im not one. Of them saddam. Was of a time about what was it was it a time that would listen to more about. What we would in the side of the moment. Seen the guy doing to him but im before put a cop on him by the. Now im by the imam obama. Leave. Israel media. A reflection of reality in a world transformed whats will make you feel safe from tyson nation full community by you going the rice way or are you being led somewhat dialing watch is true watch his fate in a world to corrupted you need to descend so join us in the depths orem a even the shallowness to. Suggest the u. S. Plane last week saying the victims would still be a lawyer for the recent. The us president. Because of his. No apparent evidence. Claiming the government is failing to provide for the health

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