the first time trump says why he was in the indictment and identified as individual one but not charged. kara scannell, a lot in here. thanks so much for being with us. new day s special coverage continues right now. good morning to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m don lemon live in edinburgh, scotland. a day of sad nsz and reflection in the nng as the people say farewell to their queen and begin to open their arms to the new king. the royal couple arriving in edinburgh moments ago. king charles and his queen concert camilla. they d lead the procession behind elizabeth s coffin. this afternoon, there will be a
what is lacking. locally, you see, i think you see a lot more change. you see mayors and governors, you see it here in new york, state attorney general james doing extraordinary work to actually prosecute donald trump. so you see so much of this activity and that resist nsz, remember in early days of trump administration, that is still happening at the local level. the question is, nationally, is this administration capitalizing on that energy and pushing this agenda forward? and that s it s what appears, at times, to be the lack of political will that is so vexing for so many voters and will cost democrats the midterms, it will. so important to have this conversation this way with smart people who do it from a position of support. thank you so much, for your ca nder, reverend, basil, thank you
A külgazdasági és külügyminiszter az ENSZ-ben arról beszélt, hogy szigorú feltételeket kell szabni az iszlamista táliboknak - egyebek közt a nők jogainak biztosítása terén. Mindeközben a tálibok bejelentkeztek az ENSZ-közgyűlésre.
Ylva Johansson szerint „nem szabad elkövetnünk ugyanazokat a hibákat, mint 2015-ben”, vagyis nem szabad tétlenkedni egészen addig, amíg az emberek elérik az EU külső határát.