Overstepped his authority when he unilaterally declared the senate was in recess and appointed three members to the National Labor relations board. Libby casey, good afternoon. Why is this case so important . Well watch for the decision made by the Supreme Court late july when they round out their term and at the heart of this case is whether or not a president in this case, president obama can make appointments when the congress is out of town. The white house says if the congress is gone the president can move forward and not only nominate people to serve on boards to serve as judges but also can go ahead and install them. Senate republicans have a very different interpretation. They say if the senates out of town doesnt necessarily mean its on an official recess. Recesses technically only happen twice a year, in between sessions. Senate republicans are pushing back and saying those appointments were out of bounds. After oral arguments, one of the senators mike lee of utah a lawyer b
Critics and Alex Rodriguez plan to fight the yearlong suspension in federal court. Good morning and welcome to al Jazeera America. Im stephanie sy. Foreign dignitaries from around the world are in israel today to say farewell to ariel sharon, and the Controversial Military leader passed away saturday at the age of 85 after 8 years in a coma and honored earlier today in jerusalem during a state ceremony outside the Israeli Parliament. The memorial was attended by current israeli Prime Minister netanyahu, a one time foe of sharon and joe biden on hand calling sharon a complex man who put his country first. Ariel sharon was not only loved by the jewish people and he not only loved them as the jewish people but he loved the land of israel. Reporter sharons body will then begin a procession from jerusalem to his ranch in southern israel and casket accompanied by 8 Defense Force general and at 7 00 eastern time, under an hour from now sharon will be buried in a military military setting and
Order. Amendment number 1 by mr. Lowenthal of california. Amendment number 2 by mr. Cartwright of pennsylvania. The chair will reduce to two minutes the minimum time for any electronic vote after the first vote in the series. The Unfinished Business is the request for a recorded vote on amendment number 1 printed in part b of house report 113 inion 374 by 113374 by the gentleman from california, mr. Lowenthal, on which the noes prevailed by voice vote. The clerk amendment number 1 printed in part bs before b of house report 113374 offered by mr. Lowenthal of california. The chair a recorded vote has been requested. Those in support of the request for a recorded vote will rise and be counted. A sufficient number having arisen, a recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This will be a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the cl
International lawyers that know it does have the force of law, but it was a declaration like your declaration of independence. Universal declaration of human rights couldnt be agreed to anymore globally. But at least in america we i think overwhelmingly would say we agree. I agree. With the sentiments of the universal. Do you agree with that . I agree with that. The universal declaration grew out of the second world war, largely out of the holocaust written by a jewish frenchman and it was an amazing accomplishment for which he got the nobel peace prize. There are efforts afoot to try to undo it and to try to undo freedom of speech, free done of religion. Freedom of religion. There are attempts to try to essentially put blasphemy laws back into universal exceptions to free speech and i think the United States government hasnt taken a Strong Enough view against that kind of international encroachment on our particular concept of liberty. Many people think it is too american that we are
My buddy for nil i filling in the past few weeks. Something irked me. That is this, i discovered while i was out its a little annoying. From my old graffiti days. You will remove the kahuna. All right. What you want to say about this health care thing. Its been a disaster. Now we are seeing the numbers. We are seeing the numbers. Nancy pelosi and everyone else said we will like it the more we get to know it. The answer is wrong. It was always there because of the basic math. We will add 30 million people, take away option. Not put the private sector in there. We wont have any kind of legal reforms at all. We will do it all on the backs of the youngest, poorest people in the country. Yoej. Its not working. You are seeing it already with people who not the Health Insurance through th exchanges. You will because of the roles and the coverage mandates and what not. You are going to see all of these costs passed on. Higher premiums. Will you see higher copays, higher deductibles for everybo