My buddy for nil i filling in the past few weeks. Something irked me. That is this, i discovered while i was out its a little annoying. From my old graffiti days. You will remove the kahuna. All right. What you want to say about this health care thing. Its been a disaster. Now we are seeing the numbers. We are seeing the numbers. Nancy pelosi and everyone else said we will like it the more we get to know it. The answer is wrong. It was always there because of the basic math. We will add 30 million people, take away option. Not put the private sector in there. We wont have any kind of legal reforms at all. We will do it all on the backs of the youngest, poorest people in the country. Yoej. Its not working. You are seeing it already with people who not the Health Insurance through th exchanges. You will because of the roles and the coverage mandates and what not. You are going to see all of these costs passed on. Higher premiums. Will you see higher copays, higher deductibles for everybody in this country. There is a l not in effect yet. The employer mandate doesnt go intoesque for another year. Try to be fair here on this. That is that, deductibles have been going up every year prior to this right . We a had to pay more and our children more for health care. How much do you think, you know, exacerbated by this . I think its odd you try to make me be the fair one here. No. No. Listen. You cant even spell fair. Adam. Lovely. Go ahead. Listen. I think its a train wreck. I think this is a train wreck politically in one of the worst way zbrs wait a minute, to my question, do you think it would have been the case without the Health Care Law . I think they have doubled down, i have been saying this on a bad law. It will be even worse than what it was before and i think what make this politically extremely dangerous for liberalism in general is the fact that most of these sort of entitlements, social securit ty help the middle glass. The pain is paid for when the economy grows or by debt. So you extuned it to future generations. What is bad for democrats is that the pain comes now. The middle class is getting screwed right now and i have a little smile on my face because im telling you, this is politically, this is political dynamite for the demoatic party. You dont have a smile on your face because the middle glass is getting screwed. Because the guys that wrecked, created this thing are probably being to be thrown out. Adam, you pretty much concur . Well, you know ill do you the courtesy of answering your question, neil, that charlie decided not to answer because, yes, your question is the right one to be asking. Deductibles are going up. Employers haveeen trying to put more expenses on their employees. They have been doing it for years. I know, it gets more so with this. Not, well, the short answer to that question is we dont know. I mean, its interesting. They asked the employer if employees in december are you seeing more . Are you paying more money out of your pay connection . As an employee, employees arent necessarily theest sources on what they have in their paychecks. You know, employees are not stupid. They know what they net. They see that final figure. I know your intention was not to try to lead us there, though you did. But there seeing the net results. They are paying more for this stuff. It is coming out. Be you the important part i want to make is its not coming out of there. It wasnt coming out of their hyde when they answered this survey question. Because it hadnt taken effect yet. Obamacare hasnt taken effect. So you ask people, are your deductibles going up . The answer is yes. We dont foe why. They dont foe why. We havent proven anything. This isnt a political point, charlie. As the new year kicked in, you can see whats coming out. Not only that, though, the actions have been taking place before lding up to this. So employers have takening as based on the obamacare Health Care Law in place for a couple years. This idea that the rich will end up paying for this. Its going to be everybody paying for this . I think charlie had on the reen, guys, 50 to 75,000. We used to debate what will be the new rich . Be careful. Whatever pays is . By the way, does warren buffet, do they pay all the tas . No, its people that make around 100 grand and up who arent really. All youren in padres will pay indirectly. Dont forget four years from now that Cadillac Health care plan tax goes into effect. Its a 40 excise tax on very Generous Health care plan. So that will change the Health Insurance for a lot of americas. Remember the president said the old way is horrible. Hes right. But this is the old way times 5 million. This is literally the same stupid stem of subsidies and rationing and Insurance Companies being in bed with the government and having to deal with mandates and tax. Is that much larger . So its even going to be worse. To the latest story. I was in the back of the cab. I was not talking to the cab drive i was alone and there was a man driving the cab and he had his Health Insurance company on speaker phone on hold and he started randomly ranting to me, a foreignborn gentleman immigrated to the u. S. He said im trying took law abideing person in this country and buy my Health Insurance. He says i am paying so much more before i was buying my insurance through these exchanges. This is going to hurt me. Its going to hurt my family. I cant afford this and this is obamacare. A ltle more simplistic than lot of you. Not as briechlt i always look at it. In the net, its got to be better for more folks. Right now the jury is still out. More people are feeling that this iss not helping them and that thre paying more for this and whoever is getting insurance at a discounts is being morphed by those paying more. This thing is the titanic. It is. Listen, we are talking abt government vs. Private,right . A report out that the Walmart Health caresome plan is cheaper than obamacare. You can meet almost anyone, its simple. It was sd in the economic panacea. The government is usually good. Heres what the problem is for this politically with the democrats and liberalism in general. The government is usually od at giving people a check, free stuff. This is not that. The middle class is getting hosed here and thats the political dynamite that this is all. By the way, it may work in five years, adam. But the Democratic Party will be out of power for five years. What do you think . Since im not a part of it. I dont care about that one way or the other t. Important thing is that it works and, charles, you know capitalism, private Insurance Company play a huge role on obamacare. Capitalism, by the way. If that regard. Adam, what we had is not capitalism. It is not working. Charles said this is all about the government. Okay. We got five years to charlies math that this has got to work out. Wait a minute. Five years, by th time, regardless what happens to democrats, does it take that long really, adam, do you think for this to level out and look like its worth while . Thats a very expensive role of the dice right will . If after five years, y know, many, many more americans have Health Insurance than it will have been worth all the trouble, yes, neil. Even though many, many more americans will be paying substantially more agitative got. Maybe. Adam, you cant screw the middle class. You are asking americans to pay more for less. We have yet to feel the impacts of health care. Unfortunately, there is a you will not get more. Unfortunately for the democrats is honesty with obamacare. The basic premise is on screwing the middle class to pay for the uninsured. Thats what its premised on. That is the problem politically for the democrats. Some people are not going to theyre running on the platform almost across the board. This time its all about fairness, its time for the people to get their share share. They can read their statement. People arent signing up for it t. White house admitted they are not signing up in the numbers they need them to. You are dragging it down for the rest. In its early days. Five years to go. There you kick in here. Sure. All right. Another irs bet. The agency in charge of collect, your dollars asking for more of your dollars mainly to help enforce this Health Care Law. We will be debating that at the top of the hour. Up next, 50 years after this president spent money to pay for poverty, this president isnt ready to stop. Ready to stop. Ho dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. Thats why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. Is your tv powered by coal . Natural gas . Nuclear . Or renewables like solar. And wind . Lets find out. This is where americas electricity comes from. A diversity of Energy Sources helps ensure the electricity we need is reliable. Take the energy quiz. Energy lives here. One. Of course, ill see you at 1 00 p. M. Eastern. Back to caputo. Look at that. Redouble or double trouble . President obama marking the 50th anniversary of the war on poverty here. I quote, we must redouble our efforts to make sure our economy works for every working american, it means helping our businesses create new jobs with stronger wages and befits, expanding access to education and health care, going on to say, andleeding the American People dry. Anyway, Charles Payne, he gets it right. You know what, that statement could have been a lot shorter. You should have said we should redouble our efforts to make sure the economy works. The notion that we have only spent 20 trillio on this thing, how about 40 trillion . Because that should do it . How about not reexamineing the program. By the way, poverty for 18 and under is up significantly. For 18 to 65, from 18 to 64, its up 13, 37 . These numbers are mindboggling. If you look at things they are proposing, they look like the axe that were passed back then. Thats i think what worried about me if president , even if you arc you we had a nominal improvement in the poverty rate, when you look at 18 and under, its still good. We spent trillions, trillions, so you got to do something. The rate is essentially the same. Its about 15, 18 . How do you prove it . I dt knowi will say this. Peak poverty 50 years ago was a lot more harsh than now . How do i know this . Im not saying this because im an elitist. My mother grew up in a housing project. Thank god i didnt. My dod worked two jobs. Im telling you, people in housing projects do have color tvs. The point though, is it that people are too comfortable in poverty . And theyll never escape it . Thank you for making part of my point. Yes, thats a part of the problem here. The other point is this, the are root causes. Listen the New York Times spent a lot of ink on this poor girl who they followed her through the homeless system, shes in this horrible homeless shelter. Her parents are bad parents. The mother is an addict. I think shes on methadone. Shes had three marriages, kids all over the place. The father isnt there. Thats a part of the equation. Its a huge part of the equation here. Money just doesnt address that. You can even argue we had the money back then. We dont have the money right now. You really got to look at, all right, you want to address something bad going on, throwing good money after bad isnt the answer, when you question how much is going, you will come off mean spirited. You come off as satan, frankly. You see the money being spent. You see the abuses in the system as it stands now, just look at stabilit this is a new permanent entitlement in this country. Spending doubling on disability in the last decade, what you got almost 3489 disability claims, just last year. This huge bust in new york city of abuses among policemen and firemen, just in this past ear. This thing is going to go bust in about three yes from now. Two years from now its not getting fixed. You are exactly right. The thing i know, the bicker these numbers get, the 10 rule about fraud, ste, money disappearing with any contractor. The contractors that work at my house, mind you. Any rule of thumb says it will disappear the numbers will get gargantuan, we never address it because it looks like we are being callous. I will start by saying should we clean upping improve the entitlements . Of course, absolutely, we should, but i would say not they cant get a penney for them. No, i object, not before we rais another. You ask can we afford this . You know we dont do both. We never have. And we should. We get to make the rules. I dont. Im saying we dont do. But it would be the wrong reaction because we dont do that to say we should stop with eshould not envision a society where we help people who are in need, charlie made the point, there has been great successes from these programs. Maybe we say we stop. We redo it. Im the reagan optimist. Once again, we are still a powerful economy. We still can afford these things. I wish we had more time to expound onthis. We dont. In the meantime, shaking off the pounds like shaking off the money, maybe. Shaking off the government, fat chance. We got the skinny on all of this after this. [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room over the pizza place on Chestnut Street the modest first floor bedroom in tallinn, estonia and the southbound bus barreli down i95. This magicoment it is the story of where every great idea begins. And of those who believed they had thpoweto do more. Dell is honored to be part of some of the worlds great stories. That began much the same way ours did in a little dorm room 2713. This magic moment theres nothing like being your own boss and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. Fedex one rate. Really makes my life easier. Maybe a promotion is in order. Good news. I got a new title. And a raise . Management couldnt make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. Simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. Shake shake shake your sensa shake your sensa apparently it doesnt work. Even i know it takes a lot of working out. I know gloria is shaking it. The green headband i am marketing. The federal tried commission fining sensa and three other companies for false weight loss advertising. They said you cant pour stuff on your food and look like twiggy. It doesnt work that way. They got 34 million worth of fine. Did the government have to do this . I got a feeling, especially after the jobs report, they got a few more things that might be a little bit more important. Heres my theory on this whole thing. I could shake some stuff on the jobs report to make it took better. Heres my theory. I think they saw the commercial and they said how dare they take our idea of magic pixy dust as a magic elixir. Go after those guys, boys. You do want to crack down on crack pots and people foisting stuff thats not true. What do you think . I think its fine the government regulate false and misleading advertising. That helps the capital system to make sure people arent taken advantage of. You trust the advertisements of those companies that are legitimate and have legitimate products. This is one role the government i have no problem with. You cannot go on the public air waves and lie to the American People about your public. You would have more clout if you were 300 pounds. Im starving right now and irritated. I want to dance like that. I want to hang out with those women. Okay. Kill the company but keep the commercials running. Listen. It sounds too good to be true. Lets watch them and not charlie. I never seen bikinis on the beach holding food and eating. Yeah they do. You go to the wrong beaches. Listen, theres a degree of personal responsibility here. Does anybody really in their right mindelieve that if you sprinkle this crap on your food you got to work out. I was out there today. You and me both, buddy. A few minutes free im on the treadmill. Gloria. Gloria looked pretty good. She said i was her best student. Didnt sweat a drop. All right. I want to thank charlie, i want to thank megan. Up next, stocks, its 23. Charles top pick even greater. If you were listening back in february of last year, Green Mountain coffee made you a lot of green. 70 . But i bet you werent listening back in february. Were you . Now the big guy has three new picks ready to really g charles has someelated gifts for you. Three stocks to watch. I like manitowoc. Love this one a lot. Also the chinese ttter oversold should be 150 stock, sina. And zillow. They are the best stock. Get it cheap. Volatile but cheap. Adam, quick thoughts . Im no Charles Payne but these are expensive. I prefer the less expensive one, charles. Maybe they are expensive for a no . Maybe. A little chuckle. I like that. Well continue. A new irs mess. Now the mess over how the person leading the investigation, the irs targeting conservatives actually donated thousands of dollars to the obama campaign. The agencys new chief is asking for more of your dollars. Why . Well to enforce the Health Care Law, of course and the tax man already getting 1. 3 billion bucks in extra funding for obamacare. Apparently thats not enough. So does the irs deserve more of your money or not . Hi, everybody, happy weekend

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