Auckland homicide: Elizabeth Zhong bankrupted by creditors
15 Dec, 2020 05:32 PM
3 minutes to read
Ying Zhong (known as Elizabeth Zhong), 55, was found dead in Sunnyhills on November 28. She s believed to have been murdered.
Ying Zhong (known as Elizabeth Zhong), 55, was found dead in Sunnyhills on November 28. She s believed to have been murdered.
NZ Herald
An Auckland businesswoman who was found dead in the boot of her car has been successfully bankrupted by creditors.
Elizabeth Zhong, also known as Ying Zhong, has been bankrupted just over a fortnight after police officers discovered her body while initially working on a missing person s case.
Two creditors - Fang Sun and residential property investment company General Growth Group Ltd - pursued a bankruptcy against the homicide victim, according to Stuff.
Two creditors pursued a bankruptcy process against Zhong personally: A residential property investment company called General Growth Group Ltd and Fang Sun, a significant business associate of Zhong s. The main creditor pursuing the bankruptcy proceedings over $2m of debt was General Growth Group, while Sun was a supporting creditor who had joined the action.
Elizabeth (Ying) Zhong was killed in her home in late November. Associate Judge Dani Lee Gardiner heard the case at the High Court in Auckland on Tuesday morning. Appearing for General Growth Group was Auckland lawyer Robert Hucker, while Chapman Tripp senior associate Janko Marcetic represented Sun.