So far, Congress has firmed up alliances with Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh and Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi, Haryana, Gujarat and Goa. It is yet to finalise seat-sharing agreement with Maha Vikas Aghadi constituents Shiv Sena (UBT), Nationalist Congress Party in Maharashtra, DMK in Tamil Nadu, Left Front and regional parties such as Jharkhand Mukti Morcha in Jharkhand and Rashtriya Janata Dal in Bihar.
Union Territory Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Date: Except Delhi and the newly formed Jammu and Kashmir, all the other union territories often go under the radar during the Lok Sabha Elections. However, being looked over directly by the central government, the results of these regions actually bear a lot of significance as it marks the influence as the first hand report card for the incumbent government.
Uttarakhand Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Date: The state of Uttarakhand, a state situated among the Himalayas, is more than just a pretty landscape. Being a swing state that could affect the results of the elections, Uttarakhand, with five Lok Sabha seats, plays a significant role in determining the central government in the Lok Sabha Elections.
Delhi Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Date: Delhi being a union territory fosters home to only seven seats in Lok Sabha assembly, but being the capital of the country, it is marked as the display of strength among the parties contesting the General Elections
Jammu and Kashmir Lok Sabha Elections 2024 Date: The political landscape of Jammu and Kashmir has changed a lot since the last Lok Sabha Elections, as during the 2019 General Elections it has the status of statehood, while in 2024, it will be listed as an union territory.