Dr. Melva Wilson Costen, a leading voice in church worship and song, died Friday at the age of 90. Her funeral services will be held Saturday, September 16, at 1:00 pm EST at Central Presbyterian Church in Atlanta. In a news release from Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, a school where Costen had longstanding career and personal connections, her passing on Sep. 8 was announced and her influence around the globe memorialized.
The Committee on the Office of the General Assembly (COGA) is recommending to the 226th General Assembly that the entire agency review process be delayed two years. During its monthly meeting on Thursday, COGA’s action also included language asking that its business and referrals workgroup confer with the General Assembly Nominating Committee (GANC) on how to best present the assembly next year.
“Along the Road,” the podcast series by Mid Council Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, shared five new episodes in May before beginning a summer planning hiatus.