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Women face greater demands to care for their families because of social and gender norms, and these demands increase during and after climate disasters. Women spend more time than men gathering household fuel and water and face more barriers in accessing information and resources to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. And they face heightened risks of gender-based violence after disasters. At the same time, women are critical leaders for climate action and their engagement and participation is essential to a better shared future.
As Cambodia welcomes ASEAN Heads of State to Phnom Penh for the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summit and related meetings, we can expect the energy hungry lights will be blazing and the air conditioners humming across the capital.
Country Director, ILO, Bangladesh
The ILO Convention Eliminating Violence and Harassment in the World of Work (C190) and its accompanying Recommendation (R206) went through a long process and it culminated in the adoption of the convention in the ILO Centenary Conference in 2019. The Bangladesh government voted in favour of the adoption of the Convention C190 and Recommendation R206 and we are optimistic about the ratification of C190 by the government of Bangladesh. Workers and Employers organisation need to engage to discuss the convention s ratification and figure out how it can be integrated into the national system through legislation to improve practices in addressing workplace violence and harassment.. Without addressing issues around violence and harassment, including GBV in the world of work, it is impossible to achieve the Decent Work Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).