Furloughs likely to worsen delays of unemployment, Medicaid and SNAP claims
Furloughs likely to worsen delays of unemployment, Medicaid and SNAP claims By Lynn Kawano | December 15, 2020 at 6:03 PM HST - Updated December 15 at 8:06 PM
HONOLULU, Hawaii (HawaiiNewsNow) - Governor David Igeâs current plan to furlough state workers starting next month could further increase the already-maddening lengths of time it takes to process critical services like unemployment.
Only specific bargaining units are exempt from the furloughs, like law enforcement and health care workers. Not exempt from the two unpaid days off per month are those employees assisting the unemployed and uninsured.
One Year Later: The Effects of Hawai‘i’s Illegal Short-Term Rental Ban
Illegal vacation rentals have worsened Hawai‘i’s affordable housing shortage while contributing to an overrun of high-impact, low-spending visitors. One year after a law limiting the short-term rentals passed, we check in on its effects.
October 8, 2020
Hopes were high when a bill with real teeth passed last August; then COVID-19 hit. Now, a year after the short-term vacation rental law took effect at a time when thousands fear eviction from their homes quarantine breakers are complicating enforcement and global host platforms are embedding themselves in county governments.