A team of 15 officials from the Income Tax Department conducted survey operations at the offices of the BBC in Delhi and Mumbai on Tuesday. Sources said the survey at the BBC offices was related to allegations of International Taxation and Transfer Pricing irregularities. The development comes weeks after the broadcaster aired a two-part documentary on the 2002 Gujarat riots and India. Amid the reports of a survey by I-T officials, opposition leaders hit out at the Centre and called it an 'undeclared emergency'. Tune in to indiatoday.in for more live updates.
Opposition parties criticised the inauguration by the prime minister, saying this is a “clear violation of the Constitution” which envisages separation of power between the Executive and the Legislature.
Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi said that PM Modi is busy toppling the Maharashtra government when floods have hit Assam. He said the BJP has gone blind for power and only power is everything for them.