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of you. and it s self-driving, too. i was able to take a test drive and you will see it in the fox nation special. you have to take a test drive. wasn t touching the wheel the chief engineer. they come up with this thick in a year and a half. they commissioned it. had a series of meetings. athletics thing you know they have it saw the hood totally empty. the whole base of the car you can t see the battery. that s where the battery is and you could turn around and use that as a power source and if you are camping or if you lose power to your house, you could power your whole house. ainsley: light up your whole house for three days. steve: that s really crazy. the other thing because it s electric vehicle wind up with gas credit at the end of the year. ainsley: don t have to go to the gas tank. brian: give a kit do convert to your house give you rec tuition to do it. 110 in your house go up to 220. it s going to be out next month.
to create jobs. save the planet and create jobs. say you run a business, you re running general motors except you re running it well. and you alaska h actually have on your cars. if you have demand on your cars, you have to start watching your energy uses because after a certain amount, a cap goes on. then you have to buy credits from other car companies or other countries i bet there is a car company that doesn t exist in zimbabwe that could plant a tree and sell you their carbon credits. if it hasn t gone over its cap, you have to go buy those. so then that way you can have the invisible gas credit. hmm-mm. now, it s not just car companies, it s everything. everything. one of the most affected will be bakers. because of all the ovens and everything else. don t worry. don t worry. this is not going to cause a price problem with bread.