to create jobs. save the planet and create jobs. say you run a business, you re running general motors except you re running it well. and you alaska h actually have on your cars. if you have demand on your cars, you have to start watching your energy uses because after a certain amount, a cap goes on. then you have to buy credits from other car companies or other countries i bet there is a car company that doesn t exist in zimbabwe that could plant a tree and sell you their carbon credits. if it hasn t gone over its cap, you have to go buy those. so then that way you can have the invisible gas credit. hmm-mm. now, it s not just car companies, it s everything. everything. one of the most affected will be bakers. because of all the ovens and everything else. don t worry. don t worry. this is not going to cause a price problem with bread.
to create jobs. save the planet and create jobs. say you run a business, you re running general motors except you re running it well. and you alaska h actually have on your cars. if you have demand on your cars, you have to start watching your energy uses because after a certain amount, a cap goes on. then you have to buy credits from other car companies or other countries i bet there is a car company that doesn t exist in zimbabwe that could plant a tree and sell you their carbon credits. if it hasn t gone over its cap, you have to go buy those. so then that way you can have the invisible gas credit. hmm-mm. now, it s not just car companies, it s everything. everything. one of the most affected will be bakers. because of all the ovens and everything else. don t worry. don t worry. this is not going to cause a price problem with bread.