we wiil heck in once again withú ccndace and theetraffic edgg reeort. repooter: welll tony we re talkiig aaouu baltimooe couuty. watermain at york rroa and the probbem is ow there s icy beeaaare of thaa traveling on the orridor. to avoid all offit you couudd3ú use 83 as an alternate. -n 83 above the beltway letts take a live look and see ow it s movvng along here issthe ramp down toward carroll street and the lanes of 83 are in the clear. -o 795, we re in the green.ú 8 minutes 544miles per hour.úú% we re ddallng with an 11 minuue clip from 95 too83..33 way from 95 all the ay downú toward the beltway, just a 4-minute ride there. that s a look t the morningg travels. back to ou. 5::1 on fox 45 early eeiiion. two people are dead this morning and three others in serious coodition after a carbbn monoxideeleaa at an east row homm. it happeneddat 705 ggilffrd home. fire ooficials found tto men left unconscious. were detected in the home. we would encourage people to get ca