good morning,,it's wednesday, december 22th.ú you're taking a live look out ovvr the inner harbor, all lit up, nnttmany people uu herr on ú%e move just yet. good morning, i'm paarice harris. -e need to get cheek of our forecast as we head into this pagnotti is in for steve fertig. good morning. good morning, patrice, ww are going to tryyto warm it up through the new year after we have been through a little bit -f snow. we're going to get 50 degrees. >> i like the way it sounds. %-harsh with the winds which isa good thing. we have hhd been have the hor horrenddus windchiils. we're at 33, we're headiig upwaads. 3 iles ppr hour compared to the 35 we haa yesteeddyyann the while we're definitely oing to be starting 2011 on the rightú%. currently at the inner harbor is rrght at the freezing mark3 32 degrees. out in oakland, still chilly, 21. hd radar nothinggto show you, a few clouds gving way to high pressure, and sunnhine, topping ouu t 42 deggres riggt where we shoull e this late december. ú%ll, let's see how the early morning roadways aaeedoong, here is candace with the traffic edge this morning. >> reporttr:: thank yoo, ony about police activiiy in rrchard avenue.l find it on it'ssrighttat hamilton aaenue, we will continue to monitor that, but of course youuwillú fiid hh flashing activity moving through the region. look at 95 at the ort mchenry tunnel, it'ssstarting o get a bit busy on the outhbounndlanes from tte toll plaza tooaad the3 tubes. northbound stretch is a-okay, though, not add a bad drive on 95, from whhtemarsh toward the beltway, 4 minutes at 55 miles a tranquil ride on the beltway, 11 minutes, 54 milee pee hour, and 12 minuue clip ffom 795 all wait down toward 95. that's a look at the morning3 travees. ú%tricee back over to ou. edition.3 ú%d hree are in serious %-baltimore row home.bon it haappned attguilford avenue. firefighters found tto women they found two men and a child high carbon monoxide levels were >> i think thattis -- >> a carbon monoxide detector was not found inside the home. this isn't the ffrst time carbon monoxide exposure has turned deadly.3 earlier this month, two people died from ccrbon monoxide poiioning in ppkesvilll. it's a reminder of a winnertime hazard that can be easily prevented. %-tips that can save your famil. good morring, megan. patrice, carbon monoxide is one of theemost dangeeous materials becauseeii's colorless and oddr less, most of theetime you don't knowwyou are being exposed. over the year, many people die from co poisonnng and theyyare killed in their sleep. short-term exposure may cause you tt develop flu-like symppomm, children, pregnant ú%men aad seniorss and peopll with harsh or respiratory problems are vulnerable to co poisoning. that is how it killssf oxygen. p> thisscan bb prevented, a purchased for a few dollars.3 it's like a fire alarm. it can helit'' designed to lett. your hooe. open some indows, leave your houseeright away ann then call come in and detect where the leak is coming from. long eriods of time unttl that leak has been detectee or fixed. you woo't see or see anything -aken care of, it could kill ú%u. tto people arr displaced in it happeneddat 2:00 in davidsonville, at patsco river -oad. there was no hydrants in the area. it ttok an hour and a hall to3 -ontrol,,but fortunateey no one was injured in the blaze..3 smoking could be t blame for the fire that tooo the life -f a luuherville man.ú these photos ssowed the ddmageú -he flames caused on a home on division avenue on monday 53 years old larry beach erred ú%s rescued from inside of that burning home and ruuhed to thh st. joseph mediccl centee where hh later ied. %-and a friend were playing wita handgun. now police are trying to ffgure out what hhpppned and who pulled the trrgger. baltimore monday evvning. police noo confirm that ú%-year-olddcharles dimser and his friend found the ggn nside of a bedroom and were playing was hold the gun at the time, pollce do believe it was an accident. the teen died miiutes later at the hospital. after hearing wwat happened, police ann neighbors still have questions. >> e need to figure out who the gun belonged to and why theú juveniles hhd access to the gun, and basiiaaly why playing with theegun in the ouse. %-locked up with a key nd all f >> they havv a nice familyyover there. it's a reel hhme. >> police saa they will pass on theecase to prosecutors to determine if anyone should be charged ii this case. rreistered.was legallyy3 -fter a man tries to rob his store.ú it happened early yesterday morning on for th!! ffrttmeade . the suspect walked into tte a weapon.3 moments later they took tte ú%gumeet outside where the suspect waa shot and killld. >> i do think the ggu was wrong i do not feel sorry for him a -ait. he actually deservee wwat hh ggt. >> as of now, the ssspect's name hhs not yet been released.3 -nto the newly fallen snow after a ssi lift deraals at main ressrt. heather childress hhs the chilling story. >> reporter: a chair lift goes off and ends skiers newly fallen snnw. at leastteight people some of thhm hildren were hurttin tte process, none of them seriously. skiers weren't sure what to do once they heard people ssreammng..3 >> i heard peoole screaming and then i sawwthe chairs just drop. %-least five chairs fell on to h ski trail below. ú%ey credited newly fallen snow for cushioning their fall. the ski chairssbegan operating ii 1975, ann they were inspecte3 and were set up for an upgrade. >> originally the resorttwants to express ggatitude tt alllof the safety peesonnel thaa3 ú%ey are committed o he safety of our uests and . >> reporter: urago less says 44 miles per hour when thh chairsswent off the traacs. %-mechanical.wind related oo investigators are onnthe scene trying to make that determmnation.3ú i'm heather childress, ox news. sign outside of an elementary school is taaen down after neighbors omplain.ú neighbors say that the sign is3 ugly. it's locattd on a scenic bywwy. -hey arr worriid of whether tte road gets a federal grantt no word yee on what a reelacement sign would cost. helppkeep our government a ú%countable. by joining the waistline. calll4(104)662-1456 or go to and click on waste watch. p>> aamaryland tate senator looks to sponssr his own veesion of the dream act.3 senator-elect victor ramirezz3 says he plans to sponsoo a llw that allows illegal mmiiraatss3 to receivv instate tuution ú%ition. %-hundreds of thousandd of youug %-legal status.nts a chance at wicked weather kept hundreds of flights after llnding at new york's jfk internatiinal airport, some for up o 11 hours..3 as black gree tells, all over %-blizzard are getting nowhere fast. >> reporter: they made it to3 new york and then hundreds of trapped on the planee. they had no food for us. it was a tough situatiin. >> reporttr: customerr pentú 11 hhurs stuck on a pacific jet. the crew got them from vancouver canaaa to jfk but theegovernmmnt -ouldn't pull into a -- thee3 pilot couldn't pull into thh gate to let them off. >> reporter: they weren't %-houus n a similar pree predi. airlines flying in without checking it see if airways were -vailable. >> hen it comes to pecific incidents, ou're talking about, we ave to look iito them to se what happenee before we make any judgments. never got that far. %-flights have been canceled sie chhrstmaa ddy. airport officials sayyit could be days before flights return to this issgreg black reporting.ú% there will be plentyyof baltimorr prrde at nexttmonthhs pro bowl. for the second straiggt yeer, the ravees are sending five pllyers to the bowl aan 8 more 35. -afety ed reid wws selected as well, his 7th probowl of his career. ann last but not least, 34-year-old journey billow con 3 din wassselecteddfor his firstt3 proobowl. florrda wommn calls 11 over a bad manncure. workers at the s salon a the customers didn't like the length or he price of the newly done nails so she called police. >> you nderstand what i'm saying? >> talk to them. don't call 911..3 >> excuse me? -- right next to youu %-after police arrested her ford misusiig the 911 system. edition, home values take a div. what you can do if you're not happy witt your assessment.3 well, ww have ess wind thhs i will show yyu the seven-daye forecast coming >>welcome back to fox 45 earlyú edition. 5:15 ii the time. let's get a check f our3 ffrecast with meteorologgst tony hii tony. hi, tteee, patrrce. we have a much etter outlook than we have had last few days and things are going to beú improving as we say goodbbe to %-year.d welcome in the ew3 right ow there'' a live picturú with our hd cam. the highest atop theecenter harborr off with the temperatures this ú%rning, decent, very ddcent temperatures. ii ooks ike the winds are next several days at llaat, so thiigs are looking mighty,, mmghty fine.3 there we go. %-can show you ne second.the we will show you right away. we've ot, as we look for the current temperatures right now, you wlllsee, uh-huhh a little computer. improving, but ere we go, nnw thh shift in the jet stream is going o make all the ddfference in the world, folks, because we're goong to be seeing some much milddr conditions over the here is the map as we see it3 and thhn if we don't get this,gt we will have to come back. ú%tell you for the forecaat -oday looks like we're oong to beeseeing temperrtures right around the 42-degree mark with 42 by the time we get to new year'ssday, how about 50 degrees, i'm going to go bacú it moving along. in theemeantime, why don't you say we check in wiih candacee3 dold with the traffic edge report. candacee >> reporrer: thank you, tony. as far as what is happening ouu on the roadways, we will check in with those right now and the3 -ctual speeds not a bad ride ouu there. 61 miles per hour raveling onú ú%e beltway thaa is moving through pikesville, 60 miles per our on the outer loop lanes, and 558 moving through atonsville. avenue, amilton avenue, you want to use harford rood as anú alternate route.3 you withh want to look at the mn lines, 95, at the fort mack henry tunnel, a source of to the tubes. taking a live llok to see how that is shaping up there.3 here it s at 50, this is at 97. pretty much the same deal, the cars are ccuising along in that's a look at morning travels. tony, let's et aacheckkof the %-there's he jettstream and tht -s going to e our best friend over he next several days.33 there we go, okay. -ow we are back in business, folks. yyu know, the exiew tou!! compus taking a little vacation though it'ssback in progress right now. the wwids had a 8-30 miles per hour winds. how about three miles pee hour. that is where we wwnnttt go. the windchhlls in the ttenn ú%sterday..3 single digit the dayybefore. 26 degrees whee you consider thú air temperature is right att33 about 32. we have some clouds this morning giving way tt some clear skiee and actual sunshine, pleasantú temperatures, we should be at it today and beyond as we work3 our way toward 2011. %-thisscould give us precipitaan because we will be getting rain when we hhveetemperatures in he 39 degrees iih sunshine today %--ery liggt winds in centraa maryland, west at 5, 2, and at wesseen maryland, deep creek lake, partty sunny kies. tonight 26, you will nooice thh winds ying downn -ommrrrw pretty much a repeatt3 performance of today,,3 welcome innthe newwyear,, let's 53 degrees as we have a nice, warming trend head. just a little bit but let's o ú%ck to patrice right now. >> tony,,glaa thh comppter warmed up. gets too real. the acy esults of 33 t's thht ttie of year aaain, and many area homeowners they're ggtting new assessment notices.ú -s john riddell tells us those -ew numbers eflectta sluuping, toospot a for ssle sign. neeghborhood.whereein very in the last year home salesswerú down by 30%. it's no ssrprise that the propprty tax assessments are %-rrceiving theii notices this ú%ek. but mostthomeowners won't be severeey impacted. >> for somebooy who just ahold of heir houue, hee will look as aapositive, they will have smaller tax bill whee their in the llst 13 years, but in14% hhward and anneearuudel coonty, average assessments are off 23%. area realtors say there's new encouraaing signs, esppcially for those in search offtthir first home. -p>> rices haae softened up, is %-ttey're in a reat ppsition. owwing a home is still one of of time, prices are still upds.. -onniderably from where ttey were. >> despite the continning ddop of value of homes, property owners sttll have the right o appeal thhir aasessment. in balttmooe, john riddell, fox 45 morning news. p>> and ven thhugh asssssmenns on most houses are down, edition, carbon monoxide claims3 two lives in the city. family safe. costing big bucks. lose.ú -o 's been a happy holidayú ú%t not ss jolly for airlines. we haveemore. meery, merry christmas as the malls. christmas daa but not the day after when the blizzarddhht the east coaat. the torr could cost carries as -oo airlines are trying to recoup the money they are losiig out, several major carries hiking airfares by $11 one way and 0 round trip. house right side still urting. home prices falling by more than september. that is the 4th straight monthly drop. and to wall street noo the dow pickkng up 20 poinns, up 11% on %-half of its snacks will be mae next year.atural ingredienns that is business, i'' shobani yoshi.3 x boxxggts x rated. the new use for its kinect technology that welcome back to ffx 55early editionn.3 5:22 is the time. i'm patrice harris. let get aacheck of our foreeast as we move through the week.meti