Around you. Director cajina. Penitentiary. Heminger. Present. Hinze. Present. Borden. Present. You do have a quorum. Director hinze is remote under the authority of the mayors emergency order. Hinzey must appear on camera in order to speak or vote and because we have directors attending remote all votes by roll call. Item 3 announcement of sounds prugs device. Ringing and use of cell phones and sounds producing electronics are prohibiteda here the chair may remove it for anyone responsible or sound producing electronics. Item 4 being approval minutes for the july 19, regular meeting. Are there additions from Board Members. Open up to Public Comment. Anyone can comment on the july 19th regular meeting minutes. I have no cards. Im not seeing anyone in the queue. We will close Public Comment. Directors. I move the minutes. Seconded. Great. On the motion to approve. Director cajina . Aye. Director heminger. Aye. Director hinze. Aye. Chair borden. Aye. Minutes are approved. On item 5 commun
Location and turn off device around you. Director cajina. Penitentiary. Heminger. Present. Hinze. Present. Borden. Present. You do have a quorum. Director hinze is remote under the authority of the mayors emergency order. Hinzey must appear on camera in order to speak or vote and because we have directors attending remote all votes by roll call. Item 3 announcement of sounds prugs device. Ringing and use of cell phones and sounds producing electronics are prohibiteda here the chair may remove it for anyone responsible or sound producing electronics. Item 4 being approval minutes for the july 19, regular meeting. Are there additions from Board Members. Open up to Public Comment. Anyone can comment on the july 19th regular meeting minutes. I have no cards. Im not seeing anyone in the queue. We will close Public Comment. Directors. I move the minutes. Seconded. Great. On the motion to approve. Director cajina . Aye. Director heminger. Aye. Director hinze. Aye. Chair borden. Aye. Minutes a
Around you. Director cajina. Penitentiary. Heminger. Present. Hinze. Present. Borden. Present. You do have a quorum. Director hinze is remote under the authority of the mayors emergency order. Hinzey must appear on camera in order to speak or vote and because we have directors attending remote all votes by roll call. Item 3 announcement of sounds prugs device. Ringing and use of cell phones and sounds producing electronics are prohibiteda here the chair may remove it for anyone responsible or sound producing electronics. Item 4 being approval minutes for the july 19, regular meeting. Are there additions from Board Members. Open up to Public Comment. Anyone can comment on the july 19th regular meeting minutes. I have no cards. Im not seeing anyone in the queue. We will close Public Comment. Directors. I move the minutes. Seconded. Great. On the motion to approve. Director cajina . Aye. Director heminger. Aye. Director hinze. Aye. Chair borden. Aye. Minutes are approved. On item 5 commun
Provide comments. Speak clearly in a quiet location and turn off device around you. Director cajina. Penitentiary. Heminger. Present. Hinze. Present. Borden. Present. You do have a quorum. Director hinze is remote under the authority of the mayors emergency order. Hinzey must appear on camera in order to speak or vote and because we have directors attending remote all votes by roll call. Item 3 announcement of sounds prugs device. Ringing and use of cell phones and sounds producing electronics are prohibiteda here the chair may remove it for anyone responsible or sound producing electronics. Item 4 being approval minutes for the july 19, regular meeting. Are there additions from Board Members. Open up to Public Comment. Anyone can comment on the july 19th regular meeting minutes. I have no cards. Im not seeing anyone in the queue. We will close Public Comment. Directors. I move the minutes. Seconded. Great. On the motion to approve. Director cajina . Aye. Director heminger. Aye. Direct
More than space limitations at the plant in minnesota, so the buses were some were some buss in the bay area prior to the notice to proceed but they were not in our possession. They were not our buses and it gets to the point, so it may seem like a fine point, but i appreciate the opportunity to explain it. On the rt question on 8711 part of all of the procurements and the 62 and the 50 its our practice to have the buses driven by the plant. It is almost 2,000 miles or around 2,000miles and that give us us an opportunity to debug or break in the buses and 10 of 50 is five so five buses broke down in route on the way to San Francisco. My personal preference is that its better than they break down there and not after we have them in service and reveals the problems and we design them and get them here and with that particular bus thats what we did with all of the buses is have them driven. On the point of the maintenance record again absolutely right. We didnt have the maintenance record