BELCHERTOWN In a move that caught at least two of its members off guard, the Select Board last week chose a 25-year department head to be town administrator after members deemed the three finalists recommended by a search panel were not a good fit.
BELCHERTOWN Town Meeting this week voted to move ahead with a change that would give Belchertown a town manager for the first time and approved dozens of other items in a meeting lasting a little less than three hours.Some discussion preceded the.
BELCHERTOWN In a move that caught at least two of its members off guard, the Select Board chose a 25-year department head to be town administrator after members deemed the three finalists recommended by a search panel were not a good fit for the.
BELCHERTOWN As Town Administrator Gary Brougham prepares to step down, Town Meeting voters will be asked next Monday to approve a change that would give Belchertown a town manager for the first time.The article asks voters to authorize the Select.