warned the u.s. about tamerlan about s links. they looked into his personal associations but didn t find enough to consider him a terrorist threat. then when took a trip to are you sha in 2012 to meet with underground groups the fbi missed that. the reason? his name was misspelled on the passenger list. perhaps intentionally. another chance lost to connect the dots. the point is it is one thing to have the data, it is another to understand its significance. when we data mine we are teaching the computer how to go through large amounts of data. gary angel founded sim phonic one of the most experienced players in the data mining game it was recently acquired by ernst and young. i m using a listening tool that collects information on things like at this time. a big part of what angel does deals with scanning the web and analyzing data.
today we might wonder what hath samuel morse without? practically all of us generate with computers, phones and other devices an almost continuous trail of electronic data. that information can be stored 40 knows where are analyzed by who knows whom for who knows what purpose. in recent days we learned how our government is tapping into a lot of that data phone records, e-mails and web postings often provided by private internet companies and individual yes feeds like in the wake of the boston marathon bombing. should i be creeped out or comforted? this hour we will try to sort some out for you. we begin with a visit to my home in atlanta. nice to meet you. great to meet you, too. come on in. in a prior life, frank ahern of new york stay made a living as a skip tracer. a sort of private investigator who tracks down people who have skipped town and don t want to be found. he would use the proverbial paper trail which back in the day was literally made of paper. phone b
today we might wonder what hath samuel morse without? practically all of us generate with computers, phones and other devices an almost continuous trail of electronic data. that information can be stored 40 knows where are analyzed by who knows whom for who knows what purpose. in recent days we learned how our government is tapping into a lot of that data phone records, e-mails and web postings often provided by private internet companies and individual yes feeds like in the wake of the boston marathon bombing. should i be creeped out or comforted? this hour we will try to sort some out for you. we begin with a visit to my home in atlanta. nice to meet you. great to meet you, too. come on in. in a prior life, frank ahern of new york stay made a living as a skip tracer. a sort of private investigator who tracks down people who have skipped town and don t want to be found. he would use the proverbial paper trail which back in the day was literally made of paper. phone b
today we might wonder what hath samuel morse without? practically all of us generate with computers, phones and other devices an almost continuous trail of electronic data. that information can be stored 40 knows where are analyzed by who knows whom for who knows what purpose. in recent days we learned how our government is tapping into a lot of that data phone records, e-mails and web postings often provided by private internet companies and individual yes feeds like in the wake of the boston marathon bombing. should i be creeped out or comforted? this hour we will try to sort some out for you. we begin with a visit to my home in atlanta. nice to meet you. great to meet you, too. come on in. in a prior life, frank ahern of new york stay made a living as a skip tracer. a sort of private investigator who tracks down people who have skipped town and don t want to be found. he would use the proverbial paper trail which back in the day was literally made of paper. phone b
today we might wonder what hath samuel morse without? practically all of us generate with computers, phones and other devices an almost continuous trail of electronic data. that information can be stored 40 knows where are analyzed by who knows whom for who knows what purpose. in recent days we learned how our government is tapping into a lot of that data phone records, e-mails and web postings often provided by private internet companies and individual yes feeds like in the wake of the boston marathon bombing. should i be creeped out or comforted? this hour we will try to sort some out for you. we begin with a visit to my home in atlanta. nice to meet you. great to meet you, too. come on in. in a prior life, frank ahern of new york stay made a living as a skip tracer. a sort of private investigator who tracks down people who have skipped town and don t want to be found. he would use the proverbial paper trail which back in the day was literally made of paper. phone b