Karnataka High Court dismissed the plea filed by the Anjuman-E-Islam and refused to interfere with the decision of the authorities to permit the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi at Eidgah ground.
Lord Ganpati idol was installed at Eidgah ground in Hubbali-Dharwad on Wednesday after the Karnataka High Court upheld authorities decision to allow the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi at the ground.
Ganpati idol was installed at the Eidgah ground in Hubbali-Dharwad after the Karnataka High Court upheld the authorities' decision to allow the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at the ground.
Ganpati idol was installed at Eidgah ground in Hubbali-Dharwad after the Karnataka High Court upheld authorities decision to allow the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi at the ground.
After the Karnataka High Court dismissed a plea to stop Ganesh festival celebrations at Idgah ground at Hubbali-Dharwad, preparations are underway to install the Ganesh idol.