As per Tihar Jail officials, these 80 officials include five deputy superintendents, nine assistant superintendents, eight head wardens and 50 wardens. The current rejig comes in the wake of earlier this month, in which as many as 99 Tihar prison officials were transferred Tillu Tajpuriya Murder Aftermath: 80 Prison Officials Transferred After Gangster Killed in Tihar Jail.
The Delhi High Court on Thursday questioned Tihar Jail authorities over the murder of Gangster Tillu Tajpuriya inside the jail premises and lack of steps to prevent the same in time.The 33-year-old.
The HC directed additional standing counsel Rahul Tyagi, to file an affidavit within a week through the Director General of Prisons explaining how 4 knives were found in prison.
Tillu Tajpuriya Death: A CCTV video from Tihar Jail which emerged on social media purportedly showed Tajpuriya being attacked in front of security personnel as well when they were carrying him away after he was stabbed.
A CCTV video from Tihar Jail which emerged on social media purportedly showed Tajpuriya being attacked in front of security personnel as well when they were carrying him away after he was stabbed.