Bollywood stars Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor were seen at Varanasi s Dashashwamedh Ghat participating in the Ganga Aarti ceremony. They visited to seek blessings prior to the release of their movie Mr. and Mrs. Mahi, which is scheduled to hit theatres on May 31.
With Varanasi, the Lok Sabha constituency of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, gearing up for Lok Sabha polls on June 1, his supporters and well-wishers have also taken to innovating campaigns to build momentum for his victory and subsequent third .
Janhvi Kapoor dazzles in a unique Warli-painted saree pallu, embodying the spirit of cricket in her fashion choices. Explore her stunning looks and upcoming projects in Bollywood. Get insights into her sartorial elegance and diverse roles on screen.