Out how to get this off the list and which have the resources on a volunteer basis from the public. Eye i would suggest we add it to the list and not add additional staff time. Would you mind if we move to september. Fine. Thank you. With that well close for these two items and if we could then, because we have a conflict. I make a motion to recuse commissioner pearlman. Second. There is a motion and a second. Commissioner hyland, yes, commissioner johnck, yes, john, yes, commissioner matsuda, pearlman, commissioner hasz, that passes 70. We heard and did not comment on the 199 carl situation. Do we have any questions for staff at this time . Seeing none. Public comment on 199 carl . Seeing none, well close public comment. And commissioners, i imagine well do the same, well wait for recommendation from staff. I think thats a great idea. One comment while it looks like a lovely house, in terms of the priorities established in terms of trying to find resources less recognized or in other
Fifth floor floor plan that particular engagement is not realized which means you would have to create a deeper flat in order to do that. The building facade are assumed [speaker not understood] which would mean that the building would have to cut back a little bit more in order for that to happen. Is that correct . Commissioner moore, from the third floor up on our building, where that cornice line is, were setting our Building Back two feet from our Property Line in order to return that historic cornice. That historic cornice i think goes back about four or five feet. We he would like to return it and then crop it on our side so that and we did work with the Planning Department on that, too, adjust that whole area to adjust the bay window a jaytionthv hethv to that corner was flush with the Property Line. ~ adjacent. So it didnt stick out so we were kind of respecting the facade of the fourstory building next door. So, were just trying to adjust it to the situation can you accomplish
The planning code does allow for 20 of the total booth area to be occupied by structures above the height limit. If youd like further discuss the technicalities of the code and residential Design Guidelines, id be happy to do that during your deliberation of the projects. I would like to remind the commissioners that you may perhaps remember this project from an approval in 2003. They are the same project sponsors pursuing this project currently before you. At that time its was also a sixstory mixed use ground spaces at the ground floor, 33 parking spaceses and also 27 dwelling units. With that said, the current design before you today that has been reviewed against the planning code, the current planning code, and also the current policies and practices of the Department Today regarding the design of the project. At this time the Department Recommends the commission to approve the project with conditions as the project is desirable and necessary and appropriately infills a vacant lot.
Street because it is one of our grand boulevards. For an architect it is an opportunity to do infill housing and recreate some of the residential cache thats was part of that historic thoroughfare. We did design 2655 van ness on the opposite side of this same block, a very successful project. And i think set a little bit of standard for that area for a very contextual, very well organized, well scaled building and i hope to propose to you tonight this opposite side of the block that were designing is also of that character. As glenn said, there is just a little bit of history on this development. Another architect designed it in 2003. We were asked to in the fall of this last year to redesign that project and bring it into compliance with the current environmental, and that is the single reason that it was taken out of the mayors Stimulus Program and put into the conditional use. The building itself, the program itself as we propose tonight is very, very similar to the program, as glen
San francisco is the best place on the planet. Lets just keep it that way. Thank you. Thank you. Is there further Public Comment . Okay, seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioner moore. Just to clarify what were doing, given the length of time that this project was in front of the commission 11 years ago, definitely has deferred back to what the Previous Commission decide. D. However, when the project is expired, it come forward for new applications. [speaker not understood] it is to uphold what was previously done. We have the right to reconsider and that is just said for the public and while im respectful, it is easy to say this project is definitely better than what was proposed in 2003, and i would just say that very he simply the other one tried to be historical. I think it would be actually very bad building at that corner. The site has been vacant for many years. It is nice to see a building. I am excited about the building, but i have a couple of questions and i think