Sixstory mixed use ground spaces at the ground floor, 33 parking spaceses and also 27 dwelling units. With that said, the current design before you today that has been reviewed against the planning code, the current planning code, and also the current policies and practices of the Department Today regarding the design of the project. At this time the Department Recommends the commission to approve the project with conditions as the project is desirable and necessary and appropriately infills a vacant lot. It attempts to address the scale of van ness avenue but also responds to the finer grain adjacent neighborhoods. The project would provide future Business Opportunities and the commercial space is provided. And also the project would add 27 new units to the citys housing stock. With that, that concludes my presentation. And i will be happy to answer any questions. Thank you. Thank you. Project sponsor . Commissioners, my name is warner maul, design architects. We are agent for the pro
Expired, it come forward for new applications. [speaker not understood] it is to uphold what was previously done. We have the right to reconsider and that is just said for the public and while im respectful, it is easy to say this project is definitely better than what was proposed in 2003, and i would just say that very he simply the other one tried to be historical. I think it would be actually very bad building at that corner. The site has been vacant for many years. It is nice to see a building. I am excited about the building, but i have a couple of questions and i think they are questions which id like to kind of speak about a little more slowly in order to ask mr. Schmalz to help me perhaps if you you have your own set of forms in front of you. Would you mind coming up to the podium and ill ask you a question . On your [speaker not understood] street elevation, you are showing a very nice engaging off the cornice line to the building to the west looking at the filbert street sou
But i do think that rather having these out there, lets go down the list and decide that it maybe that one property might be bumped higher on the list because there is a couple supervisors who are currently involved in the process. Lets make a list and do it in a rational way. In that before we go to the september 17th meeting and talk about this again we weigh out what resources are available for a project. Is there someone involved to help this move forward. We did this before and we had commissioner alumni martinez here and did this before as we figure out how to get this off the list and which have the resources on a volunteer basis from the public. Eye i would suggest we add it to the list and not add additional staff time. Would you mind if we move to september. Fine. Thank you. With that well close for these two items and if we could then, because we have a conflict. I make a motion to recuse commissioner pearlman. Second. There is a motion and a second. Commissioner hyland, yes
I think it comes back to resources. I would like to be able to encourage anyone from the public to suggested added resources to the program. I dont think we should be spending time evaluating whether they should be added to the program. Lets add them to the program and lets talk about how if there is support for a specific property then some resources need to come from somewhere to move that forward so that would be part of our conversation at the next hearing as to how to incentivize people to bring resources to bring these issues forward. Thats great because i was doing the lobbying from the office and seeing support now from supervisors it would make sense that i approach the supervisors individually now and talk about why we need this fte. Here we are pushing for priorities and we dont have the funds for that. And david campos constituents. Because there is no permits being filed, anything going on on either of these properties, how about we get a recommendation from staff on these
Mission street and townsend street. The bow tie is because in the middle there you have the sixth street redevelopment project area, which no longer exists. But that was included as part of zoning goes as part of the eastern neighborhoods process. So, Fourth Street to division, mission to townsend, with the exception of the sixth street area. Thank you, mr. Makko. That explains it because that was already preempted being part of a redevelopment. I think this is a very desirable process because what i heard today is people getting together and deciding what collectively might be the best thing rather than and im not being critical of the other processes, but oftentimes i hear situations, particularly in transportation planning, where, well, lets see what we can get funding for and its done in piecemeal ways. And im hearing what i like to hear is, lets pick out what we feel would be the most ideal solutions. We may not be able to get it. The market will control to some degree. Public fun