learning. and this mass exodus to the the carolitennessee, texas and especially florida.na, tenn and i m looking at that and i m thinking, you know what? there s a lot to be learned here. lee theseart is th red states will be redder, but these tossup states are going to be harder for republicans the to win the presidency. we have about 30 seconds. n don t know that s true i the long run. but ine am the end, the american outw people outweigh any kind of geographic line we re gainingc line. we re gaining with with latinos, regaining with asian-americans. we re beginning to gain with african-americans. two more i think it s y very likely now two more years of biden. we re going to have a great 2020 four. all right. newt gingrich, thanks for being with us. all right.us to talk abo coming up, former viceutew president mike pence will join us to talk about his brand new book, the midterms. so much more as we continue
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we re americans.hat if you hav so what if you have to wait in line? so what if you have to leavewe work early? so wha bt like i mean, we re offering burgers and fries and days off to get people to do things that they should be doing because they re americans. and maybe if we offered free icf wee cream cones, joe will vote like one hundred times innl a day. joe bided n, you never know. but honestly, if you could sende somebody to the moon and they back i can land and then they can get back in there and their andn rocket fly on home and land? safely and be alive, you know i what i think that says it all.tr with us.olla, as always, we appreciate you being with . thank you, sir.d all right. a apparently, they did have in a a drop in arizona.cting that and fox is projecting that democratic secretary of state who should have recused herself. katie hobbs has been elected governor of arizona. straight ahead, it s the season of joy in. michael has everything you need to make a magical sale
0 right here at eight o clock to the show. that is the swor n enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. also encourage you to tune inofo to my new podcast that tulsi gabbard show tomorrow. upn towe re having a new episode with a great conversation great with chloe cole, an 18 year old girl who has struggledks so with transitioning. thank you so much, everybody. i hope you have a wonderful evening. now, here s sean hannity. all right. did you have fun?hann did you enjoy filling in foiy tucker? hav i did.e sean, how are you today? it s a it s it s i ve been doing this for the twenty seven years. i ve beeatesn blessed to haven the greatest audience and all of tv.the tv. h great job. thank you for being with us and welcome to hannitymike pen and tonight and just moments, former vice president mike pence will joiin un us for ang exclusive interview. ofs book has been getting a lot of buzz. bu buzz.t first, we are now sixe days removed from the electioncr and more than a doze