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0 right here at eight o'clock to the show. that is the swor n enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. also encourage you to tune inofo to my new podcast that tulsi gabbard show tomorrow. upn towe're having a new episode with a great conversation great with chloe cole, an 18 year old girl who has struggledks so with transitioning. thank you so much, everybody. i hope you have a wonderful evening. >> now, here's sean hannity. all right. did you have fun?hann >> did you enjoy filling in foiy tucker? hav i did.e sean, how are you today? it's a it's it's i've been doing this for the twenty seven years. i've beeatesn blessed to haven the greatest audience and all of tv.the tv. h >> great job. thank you for being with us and welcome to hannitymike pen and tonight and just moments, former vice president mike pence will joiin un us for ang exclusive interview. ofs book has been getting a lot of buzz. bu buzz.t first, we are now sixe days removed from the electioncr and more than a dozen key races are still up in the air. several critical states and d districts are now still voting s and counting votes on who and recounting votes. and there's still no official call on who will takill takef en of representatives. but tonight, we can tell t youe to take a deep breath because multiple outlets, including the new york times i and nbc, tg hardly members of the vast right wing conspirac y they are acknowledging, predicting republicans will in fact win the majority of seats inresentas the united states house of representatives. now, eve now even joe bn joe biden, by te way, thinks that the gop will take a majority, although i don't know if i trust hiss mah math skills at this point. and coming up, we're goingfrom e to bring you the very latest results from the congressional districts. onal distrget to be called, incg 10 races that republicans now look poised to win.n. make no mistake, gop control of the house is a big deal .t goin and i'm not going to understateh this. it gives republicans the powere to set the agenda, committee assignments, all of this in the house. it gives them the power to subpoena and investigate the biden administration subp. numerous important issues, subpoena witnesses and stopse the left's radical agenda. and , of course, they havem th the power of the purse. now, remember, despite the lies from the media mob, we never w predicted this red wave. yea in fact, we warned all year long this election would be incredibly close. because we were always talking about bellwether states . wewe talke are talking about to states with the balance of power decide decided a few of these i'rple battleground states . and i'm getting a little sick and tired of being lied about in the news media. so you will refreshrefresh thei their memory and remind you three key swing states , if you go back to twenty sixteen , propelled donald trump to victory in 2016.e of the combined vote of those three swing states . seventy thousand votes, 2020es forty three thousand votes in three states. that would be georgia, wisconsin and arizona decidede election. if you stay the election. democrat if you stay home, democrats,s, well, they're likely to win and you will get the government you deserve. the senate's always tough, especiallysenate is always we hy bellwether state. you know, as you know, not every state is going to be an easy run for the republican side. so let's be clear.a guarante this is not a guaranteedede wad election. anyone that says republicans have a lock on the house the e race and senate, they're lying to you. they don't know the races canrey be extremely competitive in every bellwether state. co now, since day one , since the beginning of last year, si this year,f fact, rather, we cautioned againsthis all this red wave exuberance. every kerding to the polls, nearly every key race wasts within one or two points, certainly within the margin error. some swing states like wisconsin republicans pulled er out a win. in others, like pennsylvania, it went the other war.y fo ngr very specific reasons. pu the state's republican gubernatorial candidate,lledut a win doug trie i don't mind that he's pro-life, but he's pr he ad not support exceptions for rape or incest.r insir the mother's life. that position was too radi or the mother's votersi that position was too radicalpl for voters in that purple statec he lost by 14 senate candidate dr. oz held a much more moderate position. he allowed, for exceptions, and he lost by a much lower level, which means that oz was able to split ticket inich is am pennsylvania, which is almosost unheard of by double digits. now, still, it was not enough. meanwhile, in michigan, republicans likely underperformed because of that un referendum on the ballot to dickson. she had a grng. ran an campaign, had a great debate.te. ju i mean, just wipste the floorgr. with gretchen whitmer, but still lost to lock dowbut stn ll ,the lockdown liberal. governor .in and in other states where o democratthers wher fared pretty, the fear mongering, the lies were clearly effectiveongering more than i thought they'd be . and of course, republicans were morel going to ban socia security and medicare and cut veterans benefits. republicans wee never going to forgive student loan debt. by the way, they knew it from sc urthe beginning. s knew student they knew it was unconstitutional. and by the way, with republicansdebt control ofo the house, they're not goingulm. to codify roe v. wade either. in fact, biden is already backing away from the codifying of roe . abou and remember the democratic talking point about democracy iu in peril? well, the biggest challenge to our republic right nowr in is our inabilitycoun to count vs places w ,especially in places where democrat s are in charge again.r here we are, another election y. year, unable to call more than a dozen key races. it is idiotic. it is unacceptable. ask yourself, are you happidy with what you're witnessing in the state of arizona, the state of nevada?in the sf the state of california, the state of alaska? this is a nationalfornia embarrassment. ? many o is f the problems and dey stem from whites bred i voting, early voting. look a at your screen over halfg the country allows all thise th early voting five weeks before the election, including 50 days in pennsylvania. sy no wonder whlvany the trusia.t d brad waited till the last weekt of october after hundred s and hundreds of thousands of votes were already cast. october afte and look at nevadar hund. look at california.t californ all residents are mail to ballot automatically without even applying for one . oh, what could possibly go wrong one in arizona? a i have no idea why it's been taking so long to count everyry vote in alaska. in're told we'll be lucky to know anything before thanksgiving. alle lucky to know befor with the united states of of am, america. is this the best we can do? e can do? are you are you happy with the system? democrat or i don't care if you're a democrat or a republican because the system is broken, trust is shattered. and of course, shattered there e clear pathway to improve the process. they gople to , people to the m, they land, they walk around,heir they get back inoc their rocketl ship and they head on homeanfely and they land safely. und the we can't do better than them. what's going on aroundwh electio the country? why not make election day a national holiday? why not make it where everyone votes in person, paper votes in person? paper ballots, no exceptions no e exceptxc the elderly,litary the military people that are out of town . tow we can make thatn. those exceptions. yeah, partisan observers watching. o the voting and watch the count and change custodyriti protocols will ensure integrity in every election. confidence in every result. but back to this year's results. while we don't have the final vote totals in several key states , the balance of powestar in the house seems all but certain. as it stands, republican ,e seat they just need six more seats for a two 18 person majority. rf >> last night, the editor of the left leaning cook report political report tweeted, quote, between arizona one , arizonbetweeona six california. holding forty one democrats dreams of holdinthusg the house majority probably died tonight in arizona. arizona, one of tone of the republican incumbents now has a three thousand vote lead and the000 approximately approximately eleven thousand votes left. the they are likely from red areas of the district and arizona. six republican incumbent theres0 has a two thousand vote leadey and again, the thirty three thousand remaining votes, well, they are thought to be m . mostly republicans inal california, three republicanifo. kevin kiley has a six pointere lead. as of today, there werweree wg 0 california one hundred and fifty thousand votes to count. and california, 13 remains tight, with fifty thousandn cala votes left over in california. twenty two of the republican has a five point leadle with around fifty thousand with aroun50,000d. repu votes to be counted.blia and meanwhile, republican mike garcia has a nin has ae point ln california. twenty seven kevin calvert leads by nearly three inbert california. forty one . michelle steelds is up by eight california, forty five . that's what 80% reporting in colorado. lauren bobert is holding on to over a thousand vote lead. and with less than four need tnd votes outstanding new york twenty two.o 70% the democrat would need to winof 70% of the remaining handful of ballots in order to carry hiss e seat . aea and other outlets have alreadydr called this race for rep republican brandon williams. without a doubt, the state of be new york has been a bright spot for republicans in the house. as dave wasserman tweeted out, quote, dems lost five new york seats that voted for biden by more than the national result in twenty , including two that voted for biden by double digits. now, you can't really blame that on bad redistricting now, thanks in part to an incredibl e gubernatorial campaign by lee zeldin, republicans in new york outperformrnator expectations. and of course, i believe zeldind would have won his racidate, let for something that i've been w calling accelerated migration. call accelerated migration. th have all these northern liberal states , new york , new jersey, pennsylvania, then midwestern states , you have wisconsin, and indiana and michigan and illinois. >> and they ar ie fleeing these states in droves for warmer weather, lower taxes, a betterr lifestyle. and last year, 52% of michigan's migration was outbound. it was even higher it was highe in new jersey. >> 53%.% in 58% in new york . and it was a majority in pennsylvania as well. florida, by florida, by the way five hundred thousand new residents innts in t the lar years, a 14 percent growthe in the last decade. tennessee grewtennessee grew byy nine percent. texas over 15%texas . the carolinas grew by around now 10%. these political landscape now rapidly changing. and republicans need to take note. former republican speaker of the housei newt gingrich will join us ina a moment. but first, here with all, the the election analysis is the political director opof the and racc, mike . with tom is with us. us. mike , good to see you. let's go let' os go over the races as we know them. know them. win arizona six , california three , which, is highly garcia and twenty seven calverton, forty one steal and forty five . it's already been called in oregon for dermo and new york twenty two . that would be brandon williams. does that get us to 218 for the republicans. es i it does.t ge it gets us to majority. we are going to in the majority now we have other ones that have>> been declared tossups. it looks like schweikert i think, has already been toss-. called by one press organization. >> isn't that true in arizona? arizona? >> yeah, yeah, we literally just got some ballots reported earlier. e he grew his lead even more .s n so there's no reasonwh why they haven't called all the arizona races. we are going to flip two seats in arizona arizona ces.. eats >> what about lauren bobert out in colorado? three , she is down. she had a last time i looked eleven or twelve hundred vote margin with not a lot of votes out. >> is that leaning our way ? la yes. lauren bover is going boebert to return. wel only have about fourthe deo thousand votes outstanding and the democrat would need to get nearly 70% of vote the remaining votes to win. hav isd everything that we have seen is she is winningg in the ballots that are coming in p post election day. rural ar and a lot of those ballots,eaor by the way, are in rural areas she has be more likely to carry ,correct?ai >> so she hasng ohe been gaining ol lead. everything that has been coming in post election daywe. and we also have a team of fifteen people from the ncc that are alsc thato making surey ballots were not properly counted, c're that they are geg return and every single legal ballot is bein g returned what u and counted there. >> what about california? thirteencaliforn , twenty to forty seven . forty nine . dewater valadao boe, who is i forget the name the other, wht one . >> but what about in those races, dorte t in the centralt valley, he's got a slight lead. right now, but everything thaten we have seends in the trends tht we have seen in california aregn everything that is coming in later are ballots that were dropped off on election day and they're skewing republican . skewin we were seenr in all these california races are growing our leadle and the last drop that we gotten incali, california, thirteen. y need we got 54%. get and if it's tied, we only need to get 51%. y so we're in a reallygo good spot duth dwight. david valadao. he's in the strongest position he's ever been. he's up 5% u and the democrat areas are not as good for the democrats and they're not able to pull the votes. they need. u so i would much rather be usrnia for california 1. 22 tha >> thirteen and for california. twenty two than the democrats. so dave wasserman, you know him? i do, yes.rman, yoand he's with the cook report of my understanding, correct? yeah. okay, he said that pretty much cook based on his math .t th yoey'ru agree with him. agr and now it's just a matter of how big the margin is going to be. re yeah, house republicans arekevi going to win the house. n mccary nancy pelosi is going to be w fired. kevin mccarthy is going to be speaker. there is zero excuse. e why all the national media has not called all these races and called the house for for house republicans.e all right.ap it, joinero shave's mike , good thank you for being with w we appreciate you joining us . now, former speaker ofof t the house newt gingrich is with us . one thing that is puzzled me wiid somet and you know, you saidhi mode something that every model you've ever knowl as been has bn thrown off this election. you know, we weren't supposedwe se seats in 2020.t suppose i forgot wha 1t we picked up., n sixteen , i think in 2020. expee nobody expected that here. lar b republicans win the popular million votes anve million votes and picking up fewer thant everybody thought. but still getting a majority.may >> your thoughts? well, i mean, first of all, the democrats were brilliant at targeting where to put resources. i talkedreso two days ago with m laxalt, who said, you know, he des ahead and was matching the democratmo with advertising until two weeks ago.ded he and suddenly people decided she outspendey cut off his money and she outspent him look at some o the last three weeks. so i think you've gof thest to o and look at some of these key places. in the case of bolduc, the candidate in new hampshire, mitch mcconnell, himself, ran for a million dollars in ads attacking baldock in a way, in the primary in a way thatde i i think probably made it harder for hit harderm to win. so some of this is one race at i a time. tie biggers story, i think, is that kevin mccarthy went oute and recruited new people. this will be the mospeople, thii house republican party in history. histthe most women, the most veterans, the most minorities, and in fact, it f we had kept our incumbency in both 94 when 2 we won and in 2020 whena single kevin picked up 16 seats, we didn't lose a single incumbent .would be well, if tha ct were the case 20 now, we'd be much closer to two 30 . and so one of the things w e have to do is go back and look at why did certain incumbents lose? was a reapportionment, was it a bad campaign? lose. what was happening there? i'v but what i've seen tonight, youo know, and then chris and i werec with kevin on election nightti,s had been campaigning with him fr for three days, just gettingwhas a feel for what was goin gg on e we were all sort of in a state of shock because we allout, thought, as you pointed out, when you look at the genericloo ballot, when you look at the national vote pattern, when you look at florida and new york, for example, returningrk huge majorities, you had to have a sense that this wasits going to be a great night a and then it wasn't. i go however, let me point one thing out, sean. i got curiou kevis about this. kevin is going to be somewhere between 218 and 220 for there be have been seven congressese since 1916 in whichich th the majority was the two twenty to two. 223 twenty three range, including, of course, pelosi's vast majority. so kevin will not be facedbe with something unprecedented. gd denny hastert was to twenty one in one election to twenty three in another election. so youon. can govern with a prey narrow majority. it's challenging it. it's exhausting. it's tricky, but ii t cathinnk be done. and i thinark the republicans ae going to be in charge. and as you know, passing over that gavel from pelosifr to mccarthy is an enormous shift in the balance of power in washington. importance of >> you cannot overstate the importance of this. . >> you really can't. big it really is that big. look, i understand peopleat looked at, you know, historicall historically a president'snds wh first term ends with a loss in and in this case, ithouse. turned over the house. at ever >> i cannot i never understood. i looked at every one of thesesd senate races. and i know i just said, youtosss know what? these these are all tossup t states .o win. you have to run th these are all hard to win. you got to run the table on these and i'm seeing this what i call accelerated migration accelerated by covid and shutdowns and parents wanting their kids in classclas learning. and this mass exodus to the the carolitennessee, texas and especially, tenn and i'm looking at that and i'm thinking, you know what? there's a lot to be learned here. lee theseart is th red states will be redder, but these tossup states are going to be harder for republicans the to win the presidency. we have about 30 seconds. n don't know that's true i the long run. but ine am the end, the american outw people outweigh any kind of geographic line we're gainingc line. we're gaining with with latinos, regaining with asian-americans. we're beginning to gain with african-americans. two more i think it's y very likely now two more years of biden. we're going to have a great 2020 four. all right.>> newt gingrich, thanks for being with us. all to talk abo coming up, former viceutew president mike pence will join us to talk about his brand new book, the midterms. so much more as we continue down the yellowstone. meet the same today as they described in these journals. one hundred and fifty years ago, i'm walking in the shadow of pioneers following the trail. they will be . okay, here we go with that one around the bend, a heart attack. >> do they have life insurance? no. but we have life insurance. john , i'm trying to find something we can afford. >> fortunately, it only a few minutes like found, john . five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine 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,Thise ,Codey ,System ,Nationalfornia Embarrassment ,Five ,Tweekt ,Thousands ,California T Californ ,Hundreds ,Residents ,Mail ,Nevadar Hund ,October Afte ,Sy No Wonder Whlvany ,Trusia Td Brad ,50 ,One Of Us ,Idea ,Everyry Vote ,Pbefor ,Ai ,Anything ,Alle Lucky ,People ,The ,There E ,Best ,Process ,Trust ,Care ,Ship ,Person ,Their ,Everyone Votes ,Paper ,Rocketl ,Fund ,Aroundwh Electio ,Holiday ,Earlyay ,Observers ,Town ,Paper Ballots ,Military ,Elderly ,Tow ,Thatn ,Confidence ,Integrity ,Result ,Seat ,Powestar ,Balance ,It Stands ,Protocols ,Totals ,Quote ,Arizona One ,Arizonbetweeona ,Editor ,Rf Last Night ,Holdinthusg ,Leaning Cook Report Political Tweeted ,Forty One ,Six ,Pointere ,Incumbents ,Areas ,District ,The000 ,Tone ,Eleven Thousand ,Three Thousand ,Incumbent ,Three Republicanifo ,Vote Leadey ,Theres0 ,Two Thousand ,Thirty Three Thousand ,Twenty Two ,Pleadle ,California One Hundred ,Repu ,Remains ,Fifty Thousandn ,Mike Garcia ,Ocala ,Aroun50000d ,There Werweree Wg ,Counted Blia ,Fifty ,13 ,Fifty Thousand , 0 ,One Hundred And Fifty Thousand ,Forty Five ,Reporting ,Ae Point Ln California ,Kevin Calvert ,Michelle Steelds ,Inin ,80 ,Ballots ,Order ,Hiss E ,Handful ,Colorado ,Lauren Bobert ,Need Tnd ,70 ,A Thousand ,Four ,Estate ,Dems ,Doubt ,Spot ,Rep ,Iaea ,Part ,Thanks ,Incredibl E ,Double Digits ,Redistricting ,Lee Zeldin ,Something ,Immigration ,Expectations ,Zeldind ,Racidate ,Taxes ,Betterr Lifestyle ,Droves ,52 ,Growthe ,Residents Innts In T The Lar Years ,Five Hundred Thousand ,58 ,53 ,Housei ,Speaker ,Note ,Landscape ,Grewtennessee ,Carolinas Grew ,15 ,Nine ,Win Arizona Six ,Director ,Selection Analysis ,Mike ,Let S Go ,Ina A Moment ,Tom ,Copof ,Tracc ,Os Go Over ,California Three ,Dermo ,Twenty Seven Calverton ,Oregon ,It ,Ones ,Tossups ,Age ,Schweikert ,218 ,Isn T ,He ,Lead ,Reasonwh ,Arizona Races ,They Haven T ,Isn ,One Press Organization ,Margin ,Lauren Bover ,Ala Yes ,Eleven ,Twelve Hundred ,Hav Isd Everything ,Winningg ,Ksp Post ,Wel ,Fourthe Deo ,Aff Everything ,Rural Ar ,Team ,Sol Lead ,The Way ,Carry ,Hasng Ohe ,Ai Yeah Ni ,Seaor ,Election Daywe ,Single ,Alsc Thato ,Thirteencaliforn ,Geg ,Making Surey ,Ncc ,Fifteen ,Wht One ,Dorte T In The Centralt Valley ,Name ,Dewater Valadao Boe ,Forty Seven ,Forty Nine ,Election Day ,Trends ,Seenr ,Skewin ,California Aregn ,David Valadao ,Gu ,Drop ,Thirteen ,Reallygo Good ,Incali ,Spot Duth Dwight ,51 ,54 ,5 ,Usrnia ,1 ,22 ,Matter ,Report ,Math ,Yoand He S ,Yes Rman ,Agr ,My Understanding ,T Th Yoey Ru ,Media ,House Republicans E ,Excuse ,N Mccary ,Care Yeah ,Republicans Arekevi ,Zero ,Thing ,Joinero Shave S Mike ,Ofof T ,Tus W ,Me Wiid Somet ,Yap ,Job Ing ,Nobody ,Wha ,Lar B Republicans ,Model ,We Weren T Supposedwe ,Expee ,En Sixteen ,Sthant ,Thoughts ,M Laxalt ,Democratmo ,Resources ,Sided ,Advertising ,The Des ,Thatde Ii ,Case ,Some ,Money ,Gof Thest To O ,Bolduc ,Attacking Baldock ,A Million ,A Million Dollars ,Via Time ,Primary ,Tie Biggers Story ,Hit Harderm ,Mospeople ,Route ,Hit F ,Incumbency ,Women ,History ,Minorities ,Histthe ,94 ,2 ,Things ,Reapportionment ,Tha Ct Were The Case ,Close ,20 ,16 ,30 ,We Allout ,Campaigning ,Goin Gg On E ,Feel ,Sort ,Youo Know ,Li V ,Him Fr ,Majorities ,Sense ,Genericloo Ballot ,Example ,Wasits ,Pattern ,Returningrk ,Knight A ,Wasn T ,Somewhere ,Whichich Th ,Congressese ,Curiou Kevis ,220 ,1916 ,Seven ,Denny Hastert ,223 ,Twenty Three ,Twenty One ,It S Tricky ,Ii T Cathinnk ,Ae ,Charge ,Prey ,Youon ,Big Deal ,Importance ,Peopleat ,Gavel ,Shift ,Pelosifr To Mccarthy ,President Snds Wh ,Loss ,Thesesd ,Hithouse ,Parents ,Co Win ,Kids ,Tossup T ,Shutdowns ,Youtosss ,Classclas Learning ,Covid ,Table ,Thinking ,Carolitennessee ,Mass Exodus ,Tenn ,The End ,Tossup States ,Presidency ,Bun Don T ,Th Red States ,Redder ,Lee Theseart ,Long Run ,Line ,Gainingc Line ,More ,Kind ,Asian Americans ,African Americans ,Regaining ,Latinos ,Outw ,Book ,Brand ,Midterms ,Viceutew ,Abo Coming Up ,Journals ,Shadow ,Pioneers ,Trail ,Yellowstone 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