GAIL (India) Ltd on Thursday said it will buyback about 5.7 crore shares for Rs 1,083 crore as it looks to use its healthy balance sheet to reward shareholders for the second time in as many years.
Updated Jan 15, 2021 | 17:11 IST
GAIL is the nation s largest gas distribution firm. The government has asked about eight state-owned companies to consider share buybacks as it scours for ways of raising funds to rein in its fiscal deficit GAIL announces Rs 1,046 crore share buyback, declares interim dividend 
New Delhi: Public sector natural gas processing and distribution company GAIL on Friday announced share buyback of 6,97,56,641 equity shares of face value of Rs 0 each (representing 1.55 % of the total number of fully paid-up equity shares in the paid-up share capital of the company) at a price of Rs 150 for an aggregate consideration of Rs 1,046.35 crore.