San francisco Refugee Services plan for the fiscal years, 15, 16, and 16, 17. Great, and i understand that suzy smith is here who is the Deputy Director for the policy and planning for the Human Services agency. Thank you. Good moerrning i am joined ba few people, the refugee coordinator and two providers gladys and nancy from the Lynn Institute, after a say a few brief words they will say a few words about their programming. The item before you is a resolution approving San Francisco federal fiscal year, 15, 16, and 16, 17s Refugee Services plans. These are submitted annually for the funding. San francisco is one of eight counties, that receives refugee federal refugee assistance funding and administered through the California Department of social services and the 15, 16, allocation was totalled 214,000, and the 16, 17, allocation totalled 168,000 dollars. And the funds are used for newly arrived refugees that have been here eight months or less to help with the Employment Related Ser
Commissioners we have quorum commissioner caminong commissioner thomas commissioner lee commissioner courtney. Commissioner frost will be here at 6 and commissioner perez on the way and a vacant seat that be here in a couple of weeks the First Business item is general Public Comment this is for items that pertain not San Francisco Entertainment Commission but you dont see currently on the agenda any Public Comment on this item . It there something you wanted to speak to on the agenda well come back. This is general Public Comment oh, why look through them all thank you. All right. 4 people hear restore are here to speak on that item coming up to in the report. Maybe we can take it then why not take you guys now i dont know if there are an order you guys want to speak to 101 and then we have a and others as you have a timeframe for them. Two minutes. To 3 you 2 and im 101 im here without a residential within the Entertainment Commission district we in front of the this im here on behalf
we will open this up for public comment at this time. i am linda chapman from knob hill. this says about the backbone businesses that seem to be so desirable, but i heard 1800 van ness. it is not general public comment. we re talking about the item that was just heard. action plan and update informational presentation. i appreciate the staff report and the program, but what i want to talk about is using the same brain power to deal with something else that is basically the same. we grandfathered a lot of projects in the eastern neighborhood and they are slowly coming through. the notices are very stale. i will rattle off a couple of addresses that have a problem because they had no application and nobody knew about these projects. 49 julien, which is coming in a couple of weeks. 525 howard. washington, which only filed a see you application a cu application. some thought should be given by the staff, by the senior staff, about how to straighten out all of these proj
of hours the community have spent in the representatives on the task force that have spent tireless hours working and meeting and discussing the issues through the process. finally, there have been numerous people on the planning department s staff, including a tremendous amount of support from the director on this planning process. and it has been pretty extraordinary. i hope not a one-off process in terms of involving the community in this level of participation in crafting plans for their neighborhoods and community. but it has been a long and winding road, an extraordinary process, and people have put untold numbers of hours into this process. with that, i would like to introduce bernadette peters to will be followed by gail, then toby, and then the others. we may take a break at two o clock if the presentation is not completed at that time. good afternoon, commissioners. my name is burnett, the executive director of the filipino american development foundation and th
behavioral sciences at stanford university. gail has been extraordinarily helpful in looking at the rich array of lgbt yosources in the committee in the south of market. she is an extraordinary scholar in many respects, and she has perhaps one of the most comprehensive, outside of perhaps the formal museum for that community and a library. she has an incredible collection of materials associated with the long and rich community for lgbt in the south of market, and it is a marvel to see. is on an alley in the south of market where she lives and part of her home. after these two women speak to this issue, and we have a short film to show you on the filipino district, i would like to have the aia fellow and vice chair of the task force come to the podium and talk about the design standards we have worked very conscientiously to develop, and we have done beta tests and the south of market with projects coming before us so we can actually see with the accessibility would be and he