Delhi Urban Development Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Thursday stressed that the city police should safeguard assets created and upgraded for the G20 Summit and ensure these are not stolen or damaged after the key meeting.
New Delhi will be under tight security and traffic restrictions during the G20 Summit. The area will be considered as a Controlled Zone, with limited vehicle movement. Ambulances and local residents with proper identification will be allowed to move. Online delivery services, except for medicines, will be barred.
Delhi Police has clarified that only a small part of the New Delhi Municipal Council area will be subjected to restrictions during the G20 summit. The summit is scheduled to take place from September 9 to 10, and while commercial activities will be suspended in the New Delhi district, essential services will continue to operate.
The government of India has launched a G20 India app ahead of the G20 summit being held under India's presidency on September 9-10 this year. The app will function till India's G20 presidency.