The G20 New Delhi leaders declaration, announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has brought nations with differences together to address global challenges. The 12 commitments of the declaration include promoting sustainable development, addressing debt vulnerabilities, and accelerating progress on the Paris Agreement. India aims to promote multilateralism and give a voice to the global south, making decision-making more democratic.
NEW DELHI: As the G20 chair, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday announced the adoption of the New Delhi G20 Leaders' Summit Declaration and than.
India achieved 100 per cent consensus on developmental and geo-political issues in the New Delhi Declaration, according to G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant. The declaration focuses on strong, sustainable, balanced, and inclusive growth, accelerating progress on sustainable development goals, and reinvigorating multilateralism. Kant praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi s leadership and described the declaration as historical and path-breaking.
A day ahead of the G20 summit, there was no clear indication on Friday of a breakthrough in arriving at a consensus on the text to describe the Ukraine crisis in the joint leaders declaration with negotiations to bridge the differences on the contentious issue going down to the wire