The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday said that they have attached immovable and movable assets worth Rs 110 crore in the money laundering investigation against Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL), its Chairman Comandur Parthasarathy and .
Earlier in January, an Indian law enforcement agency arrested Parthasarathy and Group CFO G Hari Krishna. Both Parthasarathy and Krishna are presently on bail.
Directorate of Enforcement (ED) identified additional assets and has provisionally attached properties in the form of lands, buildings, share holdings, cash, foreign currency and jewellery worth Rs 110 Crore under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, in the money laundering investigation against M/s Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL) and its Chairman Comandur
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Saturday said that they have attached immovable and movable assets worth Rs 110 crore in the money laundering investigation against Karvy Stock Broking Ltd (KSBL), its Chairman Comandur Parthasarathy and others.