Early, bureau chief at politico, Jonathan Lemire. I liked it. Do it every morning. John heilemann is here. Why are you here so early . I dont know. Thats a lot for us at 6 00. Me rolls in from the club. Works out well. Its like Super Tuesday, starting on a super note. I have to prepare emotionally for heilemann to be in the room. Wow. Bbc news katty kay is with us, as well. So important it is Super Tuesday. I have an announcement to make, personal. Hopson is an emotional support dog. I know you love him, joe, except for the humping problem. Wow. How do you stop that . Some dogs cant be stopped from that. I joe was still getting his mic on, so i was helping you out. Congratulations, hopson. Gosh. You could have stretched just a little bit less on that. Hes a good dog. I just do want some advice on that. No, no. Sweetheart, i may talk a lot hey, sweetie . Rapid turn. I may talk a lot, but i want you to know what comes out of my mouth scares you . Its the things that i dont say that have
On Friday attorneys for former President Donald Trump appeared in a Fulton County Court. Lawyers for Trump asked for the dismissal of the case based on what…
A few hours remain for Milton voters to cast ballots in the city s first self-run municipal elections. Residents report a smooth experience at the polls but complained about the city
Representatives with Lifeline Animal Services say each day two more animals arrive than leave the shelter. Volunteers hope unique cards for Halloween candy will help change that.