James stateowned for that. Erica were looking for to warm weather around the bay area really no storms and site started things off with temperatures in the third is an for his santa rosa has drawn down to the get degrees overnight for a living the house in San Francisco expect recall and to clear skies right now we do not have any issues with the ability and a tree into the after lost sunshine to buttress a little warmer than yesterday with that being said oakland getting pretty close to seven is on a percentage of lay out the morning high of 66 and 68 degrees and san jose i to take a look at the storm track four subtler and writer and the dree really know clouds of room to the very High Pressure building in over san will see warmer temperatures drop the week in fact we could see mid70s over the next couple days dry run for the entire stay or on a sea temperatures warmer from this point forward to look at 13 to friday amid seven is expected inside of the bay will conditions very simila
People can get by without power for a while but not water. I called the association, and they found an emergency generator for me and delivered them to the communities at no charge. Since the circuit riders know everybody in the state they were able to borrow some again ators from northern communities not impacted by the hurricane. And have the generators delivered to get the Drinking Water and sanitation restored immediately. The circuit riders also had the technical know how to size the right voltage and drive a backhoe if needed to clear the streets and dig up ruptured lines. All of this type of assistance is essential to restore water supply in an emergency. I called the separator out to help me. A community of about 1,000 homes to find the line break, causing a loss of water from any homes. The circuit rider came with advanced radar equipment that can precisely identify the location of the break which on this day happened to be in the woods. Congress shares this technical resource
Partners and how their actions decisions, capabilities might play in our assistance of their defense or how it may limit our ability, depending on what choices they have to make. Nato, for instance has a very detailed bmd plan for the intercept of missiles for nato territory and europe. What are other elements that the Nato Alliance can bring to bear fence an antagonist. They are a military alliance after all. They are not the eu. What sort of connections and relations with the eu, the economic deciders of europe need to be engendered in order to come up with an effective response. In the interleaving of these capabilities do they fall under the nato command structure or some other entity. The eu council of governments, unclear. Earlier we were talking about exchanging information. Frank mentioned that. How do you coordinate this with owe allies and partners. Some of us can be very sensitive. But some of it needs to be planned and thought of ahead of time. Do we need to extend the conc
Chemical or biological attack, a few recommendations for ensuring effectiveness would be, one, that the federal government must provide accurate and timely thread information to local . ; First Responders. 3o . Jrering the multitude of potential threats and certainly we still see budgetary constraints of local government, local First Responders need to know which threats they should prepare for. If groups are promoting violent extremism and publishing training materials on the internet or social media, the federal government should provide information about tactics and techniques which are being taught, again, in order for local entities and agencies to be prepared. The local joint Terrorism Task forces are working to build strong relationships with local Law Enforcement to help local fire and Emergency Medical Service departments to obtain this information. Chief, ill tell you what. I know you have lengthy testimony. Id like you to submit it as part of the record here and wed be pleas
House. Please help those who labor here to recognize how you are present in their service and leadership. Guide them as they seek to be effective for the good of all your people. Loving god, may our leaders be alert to the cares and hurts and challenges of our citizens and our communities. Help these leaders choose well, directions and actions that benefit those likely to be left out and all who express and strengthen our nations values which are our greatest assets. May we hear and pursue your sacred message, merciful god, that we be women and men with the capacity of peacemakers, realistic and also deeply thoughtful and wise. Finally, gentle god, bring to those who serve here a participation in your own gifts, such as rich insight and also joy in their care for the wellbeing of our country and the world. Amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands a