Former secretary of defense daonald rumsfeld is next on booktv. [music playing] what sandy didnt say is i have lived one third of the history of our country. Which tells you what a Young Country it is. Or what on old man i am. I am so pleased to be here. And sandy, thank you for the moderately good introduction. George, and gavin, and all of the member of the president s council thank you for supporting this important institution. I am a supporter myself so i thank you. I have been travelling around talking about the book. And i am told you are ready to ask questions and i will answer the ones i know answers to and i will respond to the others. But before i do, just a few words about the book. I spent four years writing this book. It started because my mother was with a School Teacher and i would ask her what a word was and she would say look it up. And write them down and read them and remind yourself what they mean. And i started writing down thoughts or things i thought were importa
Mr. Thune madam president . The presiding officer the senator from south dakota. Mr. Thune madam president , i ask unanimous consent the quorum call be dispensed with. The presiding officer without objection. Mr. Thune madam president , two weeks ago, the New York Times accomplished an article on Congressional Democrats plan for the rest of the year. It boiled down to one thing campaigning. Thats right, eight months out from the election, democrats in congress have given up on legislating. Instead, theyre going to spend the next eight months focused on show votes which will and i quote from the story be timed to coincide with campaignstyle trips by president obama. End quote. While these he votes wail focus on quote pocketbook issues democrats hope will appeal to voarkts, the votes arent designed to accomplish anything. The democrats concede, the times goes on to say that making new laws is not the point. Rather, theyre trying to force republicans to vote against them, end quote, thats
Occupational heath that studies where berkley with the collaboration with silence spring and Breast Cancer awareness weve begun to g understand what the data is telling us and Great Institution like benchmarking and ucsf can continue to tell us more and more things. The data is telling us it that long after those hoefk acts are done the firefighters are in dangerous situations because the poisons in their skin and loungz lungs and rest of the parts of their body. As we said this well recognize as a city weve got to take care of our firefighters as well. I do know that the firefighters standing behind me are not only proud of their work and the lives they lead they want to live long lives and they deserve it it. So ill breaking with a practice ive had for many years i generally dont monopolies my legislation that the board will introduce but i know that before president chiu has the same goals and ill simply announce ill be joining the board of supervisors in elective to recognize those
Firefighters will not go quietly aefrm we lost a firefighter men and women well make every effort to let the city and country know that a he or she has passed serving others. Again, thank you for coming and now chief joanne will introduce mayor ed lee clapping. good morning and thank you to tom o customer local 78 and to the Cancer Prevention fountains were pursuing proud to raise awareness and address this important issue an issue that disproportionately facts our folks. But not only are our active but retired members and it includes the families we want to raise awareness and get the word outline were concerned and do all we can it protect our members who put their lives on the line everyday for city and county of San Francisco. Now i will introduce a big supporter of the fire service and Fire Department thats a privilege to introduce our 43 read mayor mayor ed lee clapping. thank you, chief. Good morning, everyone well, to city hall. First of all, i want to thank the chief for the i
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you all for coming im tom oconnor im a San Francisco firefighter im a member of the Cancer Prevention center today, we stand before a memorial to honor the firefighters who have died in hospitals and hospice today, we staples before a sea of by boats to honor those folks a number that is growing every year. Every time firefighters enter a burning building we have chemicals and car gins that are interour bodies and for years the deviating effects and recent studies by control of Disease Control have demonstrated that firefighters are sxhooum to cancer and now its time to push back. It is the for that us to let the memorial serve a purpose are that it is time to let san franciscans and the world know that long arrest the fires are put out the firefighters are fighting against cancer were indicating is to ban toxic chemicals in first one and clothing. Chemicals like deadly flammable retardant for Childrens Clothing and known car gins that were band