sanders, a self-declared democratic socialist, who s promising free college tuition and medicare for all. i don t think that even progressives really want to be in a world where we can t keep our promises. amy! amy! reporter: amy klobuchar, who finished a strong third, now looking to reintroduce herself to voters. hello, america! i m amy klobuchar and i will beat donald trump. reporter: the senator flying straight to new york to raise money. she hasn t yet shown the fund-raising muscle of her rivals. not to mention the hundreds of millions of dollars one candidate is spending on his own campaign. michael bloomberg today on the stump in tennessee. i m sorry, we just never expected a crowd this big, i m so flattered. i think we must we must have some momentum going here. reporter: he s been building support in the super tuesday states while the other candidates battled it out in iowa and new hampshire.
vice president joe biden is once again stirring speculation about the possibility of a run for the white house, this with a trip to florida. he ll flex his fund-raising muscle as an event for senate democrat it is. we are back now to discuss this with our political experts. you have this travel to florida, pennsylvania, he s going to be on the colbert show. i wonder why, such a pivotal moment. what do you think. will he or won t he? should he? if i m hillary clinton, i hope that he does. i know that sounds crazy, but i talked to a lot of democrats who want more choices. if he doesn t get in, i think you ll hear this recurring story throughout the primary of why isn t anyone else running. hillary doesn t want a coronation, but she also doesn t want to foster this anyone but clinton kind of story line to haunt her all the way to the nomination. how about champion jim webb? oh, okay, okay.
i m mitt romney. i believe in america. and i m running for president. romney made his big announcement on a sunny farm but his speech was heavy on the gloom and doom, a long series of attacks on president obama whom romney repeatedly accused of thinking like a european. we re joined now by long time new hampshire conservative activist lafontaine and romney media adviser russ reefer. i m going to start with you. you are one of his top campaign strategists. i was interested in the tone of his message. let s listen and we can talk about it. when barack obama came to office we wished him well and hoped for the best. now in the third year of his four-year term we have more than slogans and promises to judge him by. barack obama has failed america. he went on to rip the president s foreign and domestic policies, fairly negative. can you explain why your candidate is launching his campaign with an attack on the president rather than focusing on a positive vision of what he wou