vice president joe biden is once again stirring speculation about the possibility of a run for the white house, this with a trip to florida. he'll flex his fund-raising muscle as an event for senate democrat it is. we are back now to discuss this with our political experts. you have this travel to florida, pennsylvania, he's going to be on the colbert show. i wonder why, such a pivotal moment. what do you think. will he or won't he? should he? >> if i'm hillary clinton, i hope that he does. i know that sounds crazy, but i talked to a lot of democrats who want more choices. if he doesn't get in, i think you'll hear this recurring story throughout the primary of why isn't anyone else running. hillary doesn't want a coronation, but she also doesn't want to foster this anyone but clinton kind of story line to haunt her all the way to the nomination. >> how about champion jim webb? >> oh, okay, okay.