Okay. Thank you. Thank you very much, adam, and thank you everyone for coming here. I look out in the audience and see all kinds of friends and colleagues out here. I so appreciate you coming, im going to sippingle out one person from the voice of america, alan high, who is great history from voice of america kept me from making an error in the speech im about to make. I need to thank him right now. Second, id like to acknowledge my predecessor as the director of the voice of america, david ensor, who has been as helpful and warm to me as any human being can be in helping prepare me for this big job. Please to acknowledge david ensor, who is now at the atlantic council. [ applause ] so as adam says, if you want to know my biography, just flip the page over and read it yourselves, but id like to tell you a couple things you might not know. Im of an age that i was part of a movement that cheap airfares and curiosity about the world sent all of us out around the globe. You know, migration
That is the answer to everything. When donald trump talks about hes going to raise tariffs on people. But, quite honestly, its in the United States in a victim again. It is victimhood. That is all that is. It is not that we are not charging china for tariffs, it is not that we need to erect a barrier for trade, when used to be done is to use the constitution to free americas , the dreamers, entrepreneurs, the Small Businessman. [applause] get the government out of the way and let us create [applause] when i first heard donald trump say that he was going to make ,merica great again, i thought this guys ego never stops. There is no end to his ego. A president does not make America Great. A president stands as a sentinel between you and the bloated government and he is facing this way trying to hold them back. He is just like, keep going, keep going, you people stop. That is what the president does. He stops the bloated government from getting into your life. By applying the constitution.
Bus campaigning with him for about seven weeks and you get to know someone on a bus for seven weeks. Let me tell you about the guy i have come to know. We have been joined by some of his friends, some of his lifelong friends whether it is his College Roommate or louie gohmert. Such a great guy. I would rather have them for friends than john boehner. All those friends say the same thing. They all say the same thing. They say he is exactly the same. Behind closed doors and just with us kicking back as he is in public i bring that up because someone who endorsed donald , ben carson, ben carson said he endorsed donald trump. He is one guy and private and one guy in public. Think about that, ladies and gentlemen. Aremost important decisions made in privates we better know what we are getting. Someoneetter know when sitting in private what kind of Supreme Court justice they are going to nominate. We better know when the going getss desk gets tough that they will defend this nation and make t
[applause] expand our also moral imaginations to understand and empathize with all people to our struggling, not just black folks who are struggling. Therefugees, the immigrants ral folks, the transgender, and yes, the middleaged white guy, who you may think has all the advantages, but over all the over thedes technological change and feels powerless to stop it, you have got to get in his head, too. Number three, you have to go through life with more than just passion for change. You need a strategy. I will repeat that. Have passion for you have to have a strategy. Not just awareness but action. Not just hashtags but votes. [applause] you see, change requires more than [indiscernible] in requires a program and organizing. The 1964 democratic convention, maddie liv, five feet, four inches tall, gave a fiery speech on the national stage, but then she went back home to mississippi and organized cotton pickers. She did not have the tools, technology or you can whip up a movement in minutes
Next, in this encore booknotes for 2001 historian herbert bix discusses his biography hirohito and the making of modern japan. Professor bix portrays hirohito hirohito asher japan into the modern world. This is about an hour. Cspan herbert p. Bix, author of hirohito and the making of modern japan, could somebody who is japanese write this book and publish it through a japanese publisher in japan today . Guest i think so. I think today there has been a number of breakthroughs that have occurred over the past 20 years, and hirohito has died, died 10 years ago, so enough time has elapsed. Its possible a jaand i would expect and, in fact, i would hope that japanese historians will surpass this biography and uncover new material and that we will get critical accounts of the emperor and the role he played, both before, during and after the war. Because that man is absolutely crucial for understanding the dilemmas of 20th century japan. Cspan theres a picture in here, and you write about it i