trying to make sure that that fuel evaporates or is basically put into a condition where it could not then ignite. the authorities say that they don t know when the airport will reopen. the reason that the airport is closed is not because the other runway here can t be used because this again is on the taxiway. it s that the fire department here, the response units have to get their trucks resituated and get them foamed back up, thomas. so one thing and you may not know this, but just from the vantage point that you have of being able to see it and knowing this airport as you do, do we know how close this was to takeoff? i know there were reports that fuel was leaking on taxiway, but the speed at which the aircraft was moving when they first became aware of the situation? do you know how far it is to takeoff? yeah. it is from where that airplane is right now to making the turn to go on the runway, i