Registration is open for the 10th annual Frisco Turkey Day 5k, being held at 9:30 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, Nov. 23. Frisco’s Turkey Day 5K is open to all ages and historically draws over.
Registration is now open for the ninth annual Frisco Turkey Day 5K on Thursday, Nov. 24. Presented by The Steadman Clinic and Philippon Research Institute, the Frisco Turkey Day 5K is open to all ages.
The eighth annual Frisco Turkey Day 5K will happen 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 25, and the town of Frisco wants to remind motorists about the street closures and to be mindful of runners on town.
I’d seen the tell-tale signs of some neighborhood fun on my day-after-Thanksgiving run while visiting family in Golden a few years ago white chalk leading around a street corner marking the way.