HUNTINGTON — Step right up! Step right up! There’s a new diner in town offering up funnel cakes, cotton candy, deep-fried Oreo cookies and other carnival snacks.
centerpieces is texas-ou, in the cotton bowl in the middle of texas state fair. you can try anything, fried snickers, anything. rachel: see what he chooses. pete: back here to new york city because as you know a lot of vaccine mandates. rachel: not as fun as texas. pete: move to texas. will: we have. pete: some people have. they are smart to do so. there were vaccine mandates coming for teachers. all public teachers in new york state or city. i think city required to get a vaccine by monday or else they will be fired by tuesday. a federal judge stepped in, and said, brought an injunction we ll hold off on this, bring it to a three-person panel to decide whether that will be allowed. it still holds however for health care workers. if you re a health care worker in the city you need to have vaccine otherwise you will be fired. that will lead to shortages.
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thing that i ve eaten that was fried, it was fried rattlesnake. it sounds kaye. >crazy but it wasactually very . tastes like chicken. it wasn t a maggot. it wasn t a scorpion. why can t we see good fried things, like snickers, cheese. you ve had a fried snickers? it s a great thing at the minnesota state fair. twinkies as well. send us your favorite fair things to do, the rides, the food, being with family, it reminds you of summer and being with people you love. the president was loving life last night. he loves these rallies more than anything else on the job. it s the greatest political phenomenon of our time, are trump rallies and his ability to connect with the people that voted him in office. because they re not political speeches. it s a performance.