With the amount of tourism dollars the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, Mothman, other cryptids and extraterrestrials bring to the areas where they allegedly roam or have been reportedly seen, it’s not hard to see why other cities are interested in cracking into the strange creature market. However, it’s tough to break into the top tier. Read more »
Top 10 Creepy Creatures That Might Exist
Our legends and histories are filled with mysterious cryptids and terrifying beasts, some of which actually existed. But more often than not, these tales of creepy creatures are just that: tales; imagined beings meant to satisfy a story. Yet, not all farfetched monsters are hoaxes, and there’s enough evidence to suggest that they roam among us. Here are the top 10 creepy creatures that might exist.
10 Dobhar-chú
The Dobhar-chu is a terrifying cryptid with origins in Ireland. Also called the water hound or King Otter, it is a half-dog, half-fish hybrid but is five times larger than a typical otter. It can swim and also run on land, supposedly as fast as a running horse. The Dobhar-chu hunts in groups or pairs and will chase its prey through water and onto land.