FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – BarkBox and the Fresno Nightcrawler? The collaboration that no one saw coming. According to BarkBox’s website, it is a subscription-based service that is delivered monthly to dogs and their people. Each box tells a different story with themed days, treats, and photo-worthy props. BarkBox says that the classic assortment is two […]
FRESNO, Calif. (KSEE/KGPE) – Friday the 13th is here once again. But what makes this date so ominous that it has been cemented in pop culture as a day of bad luck and spooks? According to, it’s really more about the number. Part of it goes back to biblical tradition, as 13 guests attended […]
Are stories of Bigfoot, Sasquatch and the Loch Ness Monster merely folklore? According to these creepy creature tales from across Southern California and beyond, malevolent monsters and bizarre beasts are very real. Here are the scariest devils, sea serpents, apparitions and humanoids to make your Halloween the spookiest ever.
Mysterious News Briefly January 24, 2022 Astronomers using the Hubble space telescope discovered a black hole at the center of the dwarf galaxy Henize 2-10 that is creating new stars rather than swallowing old ones in the usual black hole manner. Are some black holes tired of the negative publicity and changing their behavior?. Read more »