Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. According to Delhi police, the passenger, identified as Ajay Kumar Bana, was set to travel from Delhi to Bengaluru on an Air India flight, was detained on Tuesday at the Delhi Airport in possession of 19 live cartridges. India News | Man Detained at Delhi Airport for Carrying 19 Live Cartridges.
Instead of holding flowers or throwing their caps into the air, Chinese graduates are posting photos of themselves lying on the ground to reflect their feelings toward entering a tough job market. About the trend: The viral trend shows fresh graduates draped over bridges and chairs, lying face down on the ground or throwing their certificates — or even themselves — into the trash. This year, instead of the classic hat-throwing, flower-holding, and joyful smiles, Chinese students opted for defeated poses (with many literally just 'laying flat'), apocalyptic backgrounds, or purely sarcastic shots where they are seen throwing their graduation thesis.
PETALING JAYA: Most fresh graduates are tech savvy but they have high salary expectations and demands that may be difficult for companies to match, says the Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF).