A R416m state-of-the-art oncology unit is being built at the Nelson Mandela Academic Hospital in Mthatha to serve cancer patients from the entire eastern side of the province. The facility is expected to be completed by November 2025 and will offer radiotherapy, intracavitary brachytherapy, radioactive iodine and paediatric oncology services.
Tears flowed as nine triumphant Grandads were welcomed home on Sunday. The stringy Grandads Army troopers had pounded out 1,500km over 14 days to raise thousands of rand from an admiring public.
The most unlikely local hero will pedal into Old Selbornian Club on Sunday. Please shift your mind about 80-year-olds.This oke, paediatric surgeon Professor Colin Lazarus, will have braved the trucking rush, broken roads and climate chaos that tumbled, scraped and battered his body. He would have welded together a rambunctious team of 20 unparalleled individuals who over 16 days covered a distance of 3,000km, 1,500 of them on bicycles.