Auto major Mahindra & Mahindra recently launched the ‘Scorpio-N Z8 Select’ variant, a significant addition to its acclaimed Scorpio-N Z8 premium range.
Mahindra launches new Scorpio-N Z8 Select variant priced between ₹16.99-18.99 lakh, offering key features at a more budget-friendly range with petrol and diesel options, manual or automatic transmission.
Scorpio-N Z8 Select Features: The SUV combines design, performance, and technology, thereby redefining excellence within the Scorpio-N lineage, the company said.
The Premium Z8 Range will now start from INR 16.99 Lakh All-new Midnight Black Colour Option introduced in ‘Scorpio-N Z8 Select’Bengaluru : Mahindra & Mahindra, India's leading SUV manufacturer, today launched the ‘Scorpio-N Z8 Select’ variant